Spring 1 2025: Business, Communications, International Relations & Liberal Arts


Course list Spring 1 2025: Business, Communications, International Relations & Liberal Arts

Spring 1 2025: Business, Communications, International Relations & Liberal Arts (January 14, 2025 - May 8, 2025)
Catalog Code: VRMS3125




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

  • You must be at least 18 years old by the program start date.

  • You must submit a course registration agreement. Additional details will be provided after gaining access to the ISA Student Portal.

  • If you have a cumulative GPA below 2.50, you may still be considered for acceptance. You will have to submit one letter of recommendation and a statement of purpose.


All Veritas semester students will take their traditional courses at the host institution in addition to one 3-credit Veritas course. Students will choose one of the two courses below. The Comparative Religions course will be online and include students from across Veritas sites, and the Global Ministry Practicum will be online/on-site. 

Comparative Religions (HUM 353)

This course is an introduction to the major religious traditions of the world—particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—and indigenous, new, and secular religions. The historical development, key figures, as well as major doctrines and practices are explored.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


Credits: 12 - 16

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 12 - 16

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 16 - 22

Academic Information

  • You will take 12 to 16 credits during this session. Most classes meet Monday - Thursday.

  • Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

  • Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or prerequisites.

  • Course availability is based on enrollment numbers.

  • You should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of class cancellations.

  • Requests for sample syllabi can be made to the Italy Program Manager.

  • ISA offers course level recommendations for the courses listed below. Please note that the course level recommendations are based on the host university course level recommendations and course codes and are only recommendations. Course numbers generally adhere to the following guidelines:

    • 100-199 Lower-level introductory courses with no prerequisites

    • 200-299 Lower-level courses with one or more prerequisites

    • 300-399 Upper-level courses with one or more prerequisites

    • 400-499 Upper-level advanced courses with two or more prerequisites and/or senior standing.

  • These ISA recommendations are intended to facilitate the determination of course equivalencies by advisers and credential evaluators at participants' U.S. home institutions.

  • Some courses may require additional fees which are to be paid directly to the host university. Lab fees, when applicable, are about $75. Field trip fees can vary greatly. Refer to the course description for applicable fees.

  • Upon program completion, you will receive a transcript issued directly from the American University of Rome (AUR). The transcript will reflect U.S. semester credits for all courses taken.

  • Credits earned vary according to the policies of your home institutions.

  • According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home and host institution, for the duration of the program.

  • Credit transfer is ultimately determined by your home university.

  • Enrollment in Italian courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by the host university. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university.

  • We strongly suggest that if you are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning, to prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

  • If you have not completed a college semester of Italian language or the equivalent, you are strongly encouraged to take an Italian language course while on this program.

  • Italian courses are offered from the Beginner to Intermediate level.

Please Note:
The courses below reflect the most current list of courses released by the host university. Please refer to this list when completing your pre-registration form. Also note that courses are always subject to change.

See Course Disclaimer
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3 Credits
Language Level: Beginning \ High Beginning
Lower Division
Elementary Ancient Greek II [GRK 102]

Italian Language

4 Credits
Language Level: Beginning
Lower Division
Elementary Italian I [ITL 101]
3 Credits
Language Level: Beginning
Lower Division
Introduction to Italian Language and Culture [ITL 100]
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High Beginning

Italian Language

4 Credits
Language Level: High Beginning
Lower Division
Elementary Italian II [ITL 102]
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Italian Language

3 Credits
Language Level: Intermediate
Intermediate Italian I Through Film [ITL 200]
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High Intermediate

Italian Language

3 Credits
Language Level: High Intermediate
Lower Division
Intermediate Italian II Through Music [ITL  250]
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Italian Language

3 Credits
Language Level: Advanced
Cultural Topics in Italian [ITL 301]
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Taught In English


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Financial Accounting [ACC 201]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Managerial Accounting [ACC 202]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Ancient North Africa: The Archeology and Art History of the Other Side of the Mediterranean [AHAR 204]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Conservation and Restoration: Ethics and Principles [AHAR 207]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
GIS and Remote Sensing in the Archeological Landscape [ARC 313]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Global Heritage [ARC 203]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Investigating Archeology: Methods & Techniques for Analyzing the Past [ARC 104]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Roman Archeology On-Site [ARC 101]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Special Advanced Topics in Archaeology and Classics [ARCL 483]

Art History

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Ancient to Baroque [AH 200]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Art Gallery Management [AHMG 320]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Art of Rome [AH 100]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Arts of Renaissance and Baroque [AH 103]
1 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Berlin Museums and Cultural Dilemma [AHAR 255]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Introduction to Museum Studies [AHAR 317]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Italian Design [AH 203]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
The Art of War [AH 216]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
The Decorative Arts and Female Gaze [AHAR 217]
1 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
The Lure of Naples [AH 260]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
The Renaissance in Rome [AH 310]

Art Studio

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Drawing II [ART 202]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Painting Techniques I [ART 115]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Painting Techniques II [ART 215]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Printmaking I [ART 103]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Printmaking II [ART 203]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Printmaking Workshop [ART 303]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Roman Sketchbook [ART 101]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
The Art of Mosaic [ART 213]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Business Law [BUS 200]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Cultural and Heritage Tourism: Intercultural Interactions [TTM 408]
1 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Destination Marketing: European Wonders [TTM 351]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Introduction to International Business [BUS 300]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Introduction to Travel and Tourism [TTM 201]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Organizational Communication [BUSCO 400]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Greek and Roman Mythology [CLS 101]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Rome: Republic and Empire [CLHS 205]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Communication and Power in Rome [COM 222]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Digital Design: Print Graphics [DM 105]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Digital Design Workshop [DM 308]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Digital Media and Society [COM 306]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Digital Media, Social Movements and Social Change [COM 411]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Intercultural Communication [COM 219]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Magazine Journalism Practicum [COM 403]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Political Communication [COM 303]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Public Relations [COMK 328]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Social Media Management [COMK 404]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Transmedia Storytelling [COM 213]

Computer Science

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Computer Applications for Business [CSC 201]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Economic Development and Institutional Change [ECPO 317]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Environmental Economics [ECO 310]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Principles of Macroeconomics [ECO 211]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Principles of Microeconomics [ECO 212]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
The Economics of Media and Communications [ECO 208]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Images of Italy in British and American Literature [ENG 303]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Literary Editing and Publishing [ENG 305]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Poetry: Genre, Technique, and Structure [ENG 206]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Survey of American Literature [ENG 204]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Survey of British Literature I [ENG 200]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Writing for Business [BUEN 307]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Writing from Theory [ENG 202]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Writing the Mediterranean [ENG 314]

Environmental Sciences

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Environmental Science [ENV 103]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Food and the Environment [FS 201]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Physical Geography [ENV 102]

Film and Digitial Media

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Advanced Screenwriting: Screenstory Development [FLM 311]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Digital Design II: Motion Graphics [FLM 205]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Experimental Film and Video [FLM 400]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Film Project Workshop [FLM 309]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
History and Practice of Special Effects [FLM 313]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Introduction to Filmmaking [FLM 150]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Introduction to Visual Culture [FLM 100]
1 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Istanbul Film Project Workshop [FLM 383]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Photography in Rome: The Eternal City [DM 104]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Podcasting and Vidcasting [COM 211]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Video Production [FLM 102]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
International Finance [ECFN 306]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Investment Banking [FNC 401]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Managerial Finance [FNC 300]

Fine Arts

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Figure Drawing [ART 111]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Introduction to Art Therapy [FAPS 210]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Painting Workshop [ART 315]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
History of Modern Italy [HST 200]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
History of the Modern Middle East [HST 307]

International Affairs

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
International Humanitarian Response [IA 404]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
International Organizations [IA 202]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
International Relations: Theories and Cases [IA 200]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Islam and Politics [IA 302]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
NATO and International Security [IA 311]

Italian Culture

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Contemporary Italian Fashion [IS 214]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Discovering Rome On-Site, in Print and on Screen [IS 305]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Italian Comedy on Stage and Screen [IS 311]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Italian Food and Culture [IS 212]
1 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Sicily against the Mafia [IS 250]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
The Mafia in Italian Society, Literature and Film [IS 301]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Human Resource Management Inservice Operations [MGT 305]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Negotiating Globally [MGT 304]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Principles of Management [MGT 201]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Consumer Behavior [MKT 301]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Global Fashion Marketing [MKT 316]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Integrated Marketing Communications [MKT 310]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Marketing Research [MKT 309]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Principles of Marketing [MKT 200]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Masterpieces of Italian Opera [MUS 201]

Political Science

3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Ethics and Global Policies [POL 304]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
From Oppression to Justice: Contemporary Political Theory [POL 302]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
International Political Economy [ECPO 318]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Introduction to Political Science [POL 101]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Introduction to the American Political System [POL 120]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Migration and Identity [POL 309]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Terrorism and Political Violence [POL 321]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
The European Union: Origins, Evolution and Impact [ECPO 204]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Social Psychology [PSY 204]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
All Roads Lead to Rome: a Multi-Disciplinary Approach [REL 405]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Sacred Space: Religions of Rome [AHRE 106]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
The Sanctity of Life: Selected Themes [REL 362]


3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Gender in Global Perspectives [SOC 210]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Introduction to Sociology [SOC 100]
3 Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Living Rome: Urban Spaces, Culture and Identity [SOC 120]

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Some courses may require additional fees.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations
