Course Description
Course Name
Strategic Management
Session: VPRS3225
Hours & Credits
3 US Credits
Prerequisites & Language Level
DSCI 310 or its equivalent
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This is a capstone undergraduate course in Strategic Management. This course introduces you to the concepts of competitive advantage used to make strategic management decisions. You will learn how to evaluate a company?s strategic situation and develop a corporate and business strategy and the managerial keys to successfully executing the chosen strategy.
- Introduce you to the world of Strategic Management
- Provide you with the skills to make good strategic management decisions
- Provide you with an opportunity to link what you have learned in functional management courses (marketing, finance, operations, ?) to the organization?s business strategy
Presence in class is mandatory. More than 2 absences will lead to a failing grade
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1) Define the key concepts associated with strategic management
2) Articulate the organization?s strategic performance objectives
3) Develop a corporate and business strategy for the organization
4) Build an organization where people, capabilities and structure support strategy
5) Undertake actions that promote good strategy execution
6) Be sensitive to corporate culture and leadership keys to good strategy execution
7) Articulate the role of ethics, corporate social responsibility, and environmental sustainability in crafting and executing strategy
Crafting and Executing Strategy, European edition, (McGraw Hill) by Thompson/Strickland /Gamble/Peteraf/ Janes/Sutton ISBN 978-007713723-6
There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. In addition you are required to do a team project and present your work to the class You will be allowed to use any simple calculators during exams.
The final grade will be determined as follows: Class participation and final presentation 20% + Midterm 30%+ Final exam 50%
*Course content subject to change