Summer 5 2025: American Business School of Paris - Business, Culture, French Language


Course list Summer 5 2025: American Business School of Paris - Business, Culture, French Language

Summer 5 2025: American Business School of Paris - Business, Culture, French Language (Mid May, 2025 - Late June, 2025)
Catalog Code: VPRU3125




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

To participate in this program, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Veritas Course

All Veritas summer students will take a 1-credit Veritas Global Ministry Practicum course in addition to their traditional courses at the host institution. The practicum course will be online/on-site.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


US Credits: 6 - 7

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 6 - 7

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 9 - 10

Academic Information

Course Options
  • You may choose one of two options:

    • Option 1: focus solely on business and culture by taking two business or culture classes, worth 3 credit hours each.

    • Option 2 (not possibly for all sessions - please review course list below): combine one business or culture course and one French language course. You may take the French course either at the ABSP or at the Institut Catholique de Paris, depending on your language level and schedule.

Course Credit
  • Credits earned vary according to the policies of your home institution. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home institution, for the duration of the program.

  • The contact hour at the Institut Catholique de Paris is 60 minutes. The ISA Cover Letter that will accompany your transcript upon completion of your program will reflect the adjusted U.S. 50-minute contact hour. Please discuss credit transfer with your home university prior to departure.

  • Transcripts for this program are issued by the American Business School Paris and by the Institut Catholique de Paris. 

  • The transcript from the ABSP will reflect  U.S. semester credits, while the one from the Institut Catholique de Paris will reflect contact hours.  Please be in touch with your home university regarding credit transfer for this program.

Course Selection and Scheduling
  • The course list below may not yet be confirmed and indicates the most recent proposed courses for the upcoming term. This site is updated once ISA receives the updated list of courses, along with a notification of any changes to students already accepted into the program.

  • You must select 2 alternate course options.

  • Requests for more detailed syllabi can be made to the ISA France Program Manager.

Language Placement
  • Enrollment in French courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by the Institut Catholique de Paris or the ABSP. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university. We strongly suggest that students who are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

ISA Course Level Recommendation
  • ISA offers course level recommendations for the American Business School Paris courses listed below. Please note that the course level recommendations are based on the host university course level recommendations and course codes and are only recommendations. Course codes at the American Business School of Paris are set according to the lower division (100 - 240: Freshman/Sophomore classes) and upper division (300 - 450: Junior/Senior classes) pedagogical classification. These ISA recommendations are intended to facilitate the determination of course equivalencies by advisers and credential evaluators at participants' U.S. home institutions.

See Course Disclaimer
Back to Top
Taught In English

Arts and Culture

3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
French Language and Culture [FREN113]


3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Intercultural Studies [SOCG 100]


3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
International Business [MGMT 180]
3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Project Management [MGMT 310]
3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Sustainable Business [MGMT403]


3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
European Marketing [MKTG411]

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Summer 6 2025: American Business School of Paris - Business, Culture, & French Language


Course list Summer 6 2025: American Business School of Paris - Business, Culture, & French Language

Summer 6 2025: American Business School of Paris - Business, Culture, & French Language (Late May, 2025 - Early July, 2025)
Catalog Code: VPRU3225




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

To participate in this program, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Veritas Course

All Veritas summer students will take a 1-credit Veritas Global Ministry Practicum course in addition to their traditional courses at the host institution. The practicum course will be online/on-site.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


US Credits: 6 - 7

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 6 - 7

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 9 - 10

Academic Information

Course Options

You may choose one of two options:

  • Option 1: focus solely on business and culture by taking two business or culture classes, worth 3 credit hours each.

  • Option 2: combine one business or culture course and one French language course. You may take the French course either at the ABSP or at the Institut Catholique de Paris, depending on your language level and schedule.

Course Credit
  • Credits earned vary according to the policies of your home institution. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home institution, for the duration of the program.

  • The contact hour at the Institut Catholique de Paris is 60 minutes. The ISA Cover Letter that will accompany your transcript upon completion of your program will reflect the adjusted U.S. 50-minute contact hour. Please discuss credit transfer with your home university prior to departure.

  • Transcripts for this program are issued by the American Business School Paris and by the Institut Catholique de Paris. 

  • The transcript from the ABSP will reflect  U.S. semester credits, while the one from the Institut Catholique de Paris will reflect contact hours.  Please be in touch with your home university regarding credit transfer for this program.

Course Selection and Scheduling
  • The course list below may not yet be confirmed and indicates the most recent proposed courses for the upcoming term. This site is updated once ISA receives the updated list of courses, along with a notification of any changes to students already accepted into the program.

  • You must select 2 alternate course options.

  • Requests for more detailed syllabi can be made to the ISA France Program Manager.

Language Placement
  • Enrollment in French courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by the Institut Catholique de Paris or the ABSP. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university. We strongly suggest that students who are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

ISA Course Level Recommendation
  • ISA offers course level recommendations for the American Business School Paris courses listed below. Please note that the course level recommendations are based on the host university course level recommendations and course codes and are only recommendations. Course codes at the American Business School of Paris are set according to the lower division (100 - 240: Freshman/Sophomore classes) and upper division (300 - 450: Junior/Senior classes) pedagogical classification. These ISA recommendations are intended to facilitate the determination of course equivalencies by advisers and credential evaluators at participants' U.S. home institutions.

See Course Disclaimer
Back to Top
True Beginning

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: True Beginning
French Language: A1-1 (True Beginning)
Back to Top

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Beginning
French Language: A1-2 (Beginning)
Back to Top
High Beginning

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Beginning
French Language: A2-1 (High Beginning)
Back to Top
Low Intermediate

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Low Intermediate
French Language: A2-2 (Low Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Intermediate
French Language: B1-1 (Intermediate)
Back to Top
High Intermediate

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Intermediate
French Language: B1-2 (High Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Advanced
French Language: B2-1 (Advanced)
Back to Top
High Advanced

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Advanced
French Language: B2-2 (High Advanced)
Back to Top

French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Superior
French Language: C1 (Superior)
Back to Top
Taught In English


3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
European Management [MGMT400]


3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Lower Division
Consumer Behavior [MKTG240]
3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Upper Division
Creating and Developing Luxury Brands [MKTG400]

Misc. Department

3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
European & International Relations [POLS 211]
3 US Credits
Language Level: Taught in English
Organizational Behavior [MGMT 215]

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Summer 1 2025: Institut Catholique - Arts & French Language


Course list Summer 1 2025: Institut Catholique - Arts & French Language

Summer 1 2025: Institut Catholique - Arts & French Language (Late May, 2025 - Late June, 2025)
Catalog Code: VPRU1125




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

To participate in this program, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Veritas Course

All Veritas summer students will take a 1-credit Veritas Global Ministry Practicum course in addition to their traditional courses at the host institution. The practicum course will be online/on-site.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


Contact Hours: 90 - 105

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 7 - 8

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 10 - 12

Academic Information

Course Options
  • You may choose one of two options:

    • OPTION A: take two arts courses

    • OPTION B: take one arts course and one French language course

Course Selection and Scheduling
  • Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for 2 courses AND 2 seperate alternate courses in the event of last-minute class cancellations.

  • The course list below indicates the proposed courses for the upcoming session. The host university has not yet confirmed the current course list at this time. This site will be updated once ISA receives the updated list of courses, along with a notification to accepted students of the change. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last-minute class cancellations.

Course Credit
  • Credits earned varies according to the policies of your home institution.

  • According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home institution, for the duration of the program.

  • The contact hour at the Institut Catholique de Paris is 60 minutes. The ISA Cover Letter that will accompany your transcript upon completion of your program will reflect the adjusted U.S. 50-minute contact hour. Please discuss credit transfer with your home university prior to departure.

  • The transcript from the Institut Catholique de Paris will reflect contact hours for each course listed below.  Please be in touch with your U.S. University regarding credit transfer for this program.

Language Placement
  1. Enrollment in French courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by Institut Catholique de Paris. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university. We strongly suggest that students who are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

See Course Disclaimer
Back to Top
True Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: True Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-1 (True Beginning)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-2 (Beginning)
Back to Top
High Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Beginning
Intensive French Language: A2-1 (High Beginning)
Back to Top
Low Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Low Intermediate
Intensive French Language: A2-2 (Low Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-1 (Intermediate)
Back to Top
High Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-2 (High Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-1 (Advanced)
Back to Top
High Advanced

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-2 (High Advanced)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Superior
Intensive French Language: C1 (Superior)
Back to Top
Taught In English


42 Contact Hours
Language Level: Taught in English
Art and Architecture in Paris
42 Contact Hours
Language Level: Taught in English
Fashion in France: History, Style and Influence

Course Disclaimer

Course placement is organized in a first-come, first-serve fashion and is based on scheduling and availability; therefore, no course can be guaranteed.

Summer 3 2025: Institut Catholique - Intensive French Language


Course list Summer 3 2025: Institut Catholique - Intensive French Language

Summer 3 2025: Institut Catholique - Intensive French Language (Late May, 2025 - Late June, 2025)
Catalog Code: VPRU1425




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

To participate in this program, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Veritas Course

All Veritas summer students will take a 1-credit Veritas Global Ministry Practicum course in addition to their traditional courses at the host institution. The practicum course will be online/on-site.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


Contact Hours: 90

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 7

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 10

Academic Information

Course Credit
  • Credits earned vary according to the policies of your home institution

  • According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home institution, for the duration of the program.

  • The contact hour at the Institut Catholique de Paris is 60 minutes. The ISA Cover Letter that will accompany your transcript upon completion of your program will reflect the adjusted U.S. 50-minute contact hour. Please discuss credit transfer with your home university prior to departure.

  • The transcript from the Institut Catholique de Paris will reflect contact hours for each course listed below.  Please be in touch with your U.S. University regarding credit transfer for this program.

Language Placement
  • Enrollment in French courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by the Institut Catholique de Paris. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university. We strongly suggest that students who are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

Level Progression
  • Students often progress one language level over the course of an intensive French language program, per the Institut Catholique de Paris language level system. However, language level progression cannot be guaranteed.

See Course Disclaimer
Back to Top
True Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: True Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-1 (True Beginning)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-2 (Beginning)
Back to Top
High Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Beginning
Intensive French Language: A2-1 (High Beginning)
Back to Top
Low Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Low Intermediate
Intensive French Language: A2-2 (Low Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-1 (Intermediate)
Back to Top
High Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

126 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-2 (High Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

126 Contact Hours
Language Level: Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-1 (Advanced)
Back to Top
High Advanced

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-2 (High Advanced)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Superior
Intensive French Language: C1 (Superior)

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Summer 2 2025: Institut Catholique de Paris - Arts and French Language


Course list Summer 2 2025: Institut Catholique de Paris - Arts and French Language

Summer 2 2025: Institut Catholique de Paris - Arts and French Language (Late June, 2025 - Late July, 2025)
Catalog Code: VPRU1225




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

To participate in this program, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Veritas Course

All Veritas summer students will take a 1-credit Veritas Global Ministry Practicum course in addition to their traditional courses at the host institution. The practicum course will be online/on-site.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


Contact Hours: 90 - 105

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 7 - 8

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 10 - 12

Academic Information

Course Options

You may choose one of two options:

OPTION A: take two arts courses

OPTION B: take one arts course and one French language course

Course Selection and Scheduling

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for 2 courses AND 2 seperate alternate courses in the event of last-minute class cancellations.

The course list below indicates the proposed courses for the upcoming session. The host university has not yet confirmed the current course list at this time. This site will be updated once ISA receives the updated list of courses, along with a notification to accepted students of the change. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last-minute class cancellations.

Course Credit

Credits earned varies according to the policies of your home institution.

According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home institution, for the duration of the program.

The contact hour at the Institut Catholique de Paris is 60 minutes. The ISA Cover Letter that will accompany your transcript upon completion of your program will reflect the adjusted U.S. 50-minute contact hour. Please discuss credit transfer with your home university prior to departure.


The transcript from the Institut Catholique de Paris will reflect contact hours for each course listed below.  Please be in touch with your U.S. University regarding credit transfer for this program.

Language Placement

Enrollment in French courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by Institut Catholique de Paris. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university. We strongly suggest that students who are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

See Course Disclaimer
Back to Top
True Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: True Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-1 (True Beginning)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-2 (Beginning)
Back to Top
High Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Beginning
Intensive French Language: A2-1 (High Beginning)
Back to Top
Low Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Low Intermediate
Intensive French Language: A2-2 (Low Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-1 (Intermediate)
Back to Top
High Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-2 (High Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-1 (Advanced)
Back to Top
High Advanced

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-2 (High Advanced)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

60 Contact Hours
Language Level: Superior
Intensive French Language: C1 (Superior)
Back to Top
Taught In English


42 Contact Hours
Language Level: Taught in English
Art and Architecture in Paris
42 Contact Hours
Language Level: Taught in English
Fashion in France: History, Style and Influence

Course Disclaimer

Course placement is organized in a first-come, first-serve fashion and is based on scheduling and availability; therefore, no course can be guaranteed.

Summer 4 2025: Institut Catholique de Paris - Intensive French Language


Course list Summer 4 2025: Institut Catholique de Paris - Intensive French Language

Summer 4 2025: Institut Catholique de Paris - Intensive French Language (Late June, 2025 - Late July, 2025)
Catalog Code: VPRU1525




Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.


There is no language prerequisite for this program.

To participate in this program, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Veritas Course

All Veritas summer students will take a 1-credit Veritas Global Ministry Practicum course in addition to their traditional courses at the host institution. The practicum course will be online/on-site.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)

This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.


Contact Hours: 90

Recommended U.S. Semester Credits: 7

Recommended U.S. Quarter Units: 10

Academic Information

Course Credit

Credits earned vary according to the policies of your home institution

According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, you must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by your home institution, for the duration of the program.

The contact hour at the Institut Catholique de Paris is 60 minutes. The ISA Cover Letter that will accompany your transcript upon completion of your program will reflect the adjusted U.S. 50-minute contact hour. Please discuss credit transfer with your home university prior to departure.


The transcript from the Institut Catholique de Paris will reflect contact hours for each course listed below.  Please be in touch with your U.S. University regarding credit transfer for this program.

Language Placement

Enrollment in French courses is determined by the results of a language placement exam administered by the Institut Catholique de Paris. Please note that your performance on the placement exam may not reflect the number of semesters of language instruction you've already completed at your home university. We strongly suggest that students who are trying to place into any level of language beyond true beginning prepare for the language placement exam by reviewing previous coursework.

Level Progression

Students often progress one language level over the course of an intensive French language program, per the Institut Catholique de Paris language level system. However, language level progression cannot be guaranteed.

See Course Disclaimer
Back to Top
True Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: True Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-1 (True Beginning)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Beginning
Intensive French Language: A1-2 (Beginning)
Back to Top
High Beginning

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Beginning
Intensive French Language: A2-1 (High Beginning)
Back to Top
Low Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Low Intermediate
Intensive French Language: A2-2 (Low Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-1 (Intermediate)
Back to Top
High Intermediate

French Language (taught in French)

126 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Intermediate
Intensive French Language: B1-2 (High Intermediate)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

126 Contact Hours
Language Level: Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-1 (Advanced)
Back to Top
High Advanced

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: High Advanced
Intensive French Language: B2-2 (High Advanced)
Back to Top

French Language (taught in French)

90 Contact Hours
Language Level: Superior
Intensive French Language: C1 (Superior)

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.
