Course Description
Course Name
Session: VPRS3125
Hours & Credits
3 US Credits
Prerequisites & Language Level
MATH 110 (Pre-Calculus)or its equivalent
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This course is the continuation of MA 110 (Pre Calculus). It is designed to illustrate the many applications of calculus to the management sciences. It will provide the students with the knowledge of tools that will be needed in Economics, Accounting, Marketing and Statistics.
Presentation of the material to be covered, exercises to be done at home and then presented and explained in class. Will be dealt with in class :
- Pre-calculus review: functions, graph, limits
- Applications via case studies of pre-calculus
- Differentiating, application of derivatives
- Curve sketching
- Logarithmic, exponential functions and applications
No text book is required to purchase. However, the following 2 texts are used as a basis for the course. Copies of these text books are available in the school librairy. Course material (Handouts, class exercices, special projects, tests and exams) will be handed out by the professor at every session.
- Ron Larson, Hougton Mifflin, Brief Calculus
- Bennett and Briggs, Using and understanding mathematics, a quantitative reasoning approach, Addison Wesley
The final grade will be made up of a class participation (15%), a mid-term test (20%),project (25%), and a final examination (40%).
*Course content subject to change