Course Description

Course Name

Paris Cinema

Session: VPRF1325

Hours & Credits

42 Contact Hours

Prerequisites & Language Level

Note: A placement exam will be required when you arrive on site.

High Beginning

  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of one semester (or two quarters) at the college level.

Low Intermediate

  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of two semesters (or three quarters) at the college level.


1 / General objectives of the course:
To better know Paris thanks to the cinematographic evocation of its districts through the gaze of varied filmmakers.
Acquisition of a common vocabulary useful at this level of learning.
Approach to a basic film grammar and vocabulary.

2 / Pedagogical approach of the teacher:
Excerpts from French films shot in Paris will make it possible to discover the capital.
These films cover a large period: from the 20s to the present day.
These extracts are short to allow a deep work.
Will be discussed: "quality cinema", New Wave, comedy ...

3 / Supports
DVD, VHS, brochure.

4 / Bibliographical references summary
Data in class.

5 / Evaluation:
Three production notes:
Note 1: work on a table
Note 2: idem
Note 3: idem
Participation note: Attendance, initiative, responsiveness, relevance of interventions
Each note takes into account knowledge and expression in French.
Attendance at table controls is mandatory to obtain the certificate.

6 / Attendance, punctuality
Beyond that, neither the Certificate of Attendance nor the Certificate of Results can be awarded.
In case of absence or delay, notify the teacher and the secretariat. Provide proof upon return to class. It is up to you to inquire (with the class delegate or a fellow) about the work done and the duties requested.

1 "Pickpocket" and "L'argent" by Robert Bresson.
Boulogne wood. The train station in Lyon. The Metro.
2 "Bob Le Flambeur" and "Le cercle rouge" by Jean-Pierre Melville
The Place Vendome. Pigalle
3 "The Ripoux" by Claude Zidi
Montmartre. The St Martin Canal
4 "Le Corniaud" and "La grande vadrouille" by Gérard Oury
The Opera Garnier. Sewers
5 Released
6 Test 1
7 «Antoine et Colette» by François Truffaut
The 18th. The new wave
8 "Stolen Kisses" by François Truffaut
New wave (continued)
9 «Here is the time of the assassins» of Julien Duvivier
Halls. »French quality»
10 Test 2
11 «Paris La Belle» by Pierre Prévert
Various neighborhoods (1928-1958-2012). The Prevert brothers
12 "Paris that sleeps" by René Clair
Paris in 1923!
13 Test 3
14 Exit
15 Surprise movie

*Course content subject to change