Course Description

Course Name

France in Europe and in the World

Session: VPRF1325

Hours & Credits

42 Contact Hours

Prerequisites & Language Level

Note: A placement exam will be required when you arrive on site.


  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of two semesters (or three quarters) at the college level.


  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of three semesters (or five quarters) at the college level.


  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of four semesters (or six quarters) at the college level.

High Advanced

  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of five semesters (or eight quarters) at the college level.

High Intermediate

  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of three semesters (or five quarters) at the college level.




- To acquire precise notions and knowledge on the identity of France, its institutions, its political functioning, the French society, as well as on the position of France in Europe and in the world.

- Examine questions and ideas that invite open reflection on the topics covered in the course.


2/ Pedagogical Approach of the Teacher:

Before each session, the students must research and review information and documents on the announced theme (treatment forms, varied and diverse articles, advertisements ...)

After each session, they must prepare in writing:

A. The main idea to remember according to them.

B. A dozen key words or important expressions.

C. A question to ask one of their classmates.



Photocopies, authentic documents, video extracts of documentaries, films

For the presentations: If the student needs a computer and they do not have one, they must inform the teacher.



• La République française : le citoyen et les institutions, N. KADA et P. TERRONE, Éditions PUG (coll. FLE), 2017

• Francoscopie2030,  Gérard MERMET– Nous, aujourd’hui et demain, Larousse, 2018

• Le pays des Européens, Sylvain Kahn et Jacques Lévy, 2019

• Clés pour la France – 80 icônes culturelles, Denis C. Meyer, Hachette, 2010



Test 1 (25%)

Test 2 (25%)

Participation (25%)

Each grade takes into account the knowledge and general expression in French.

Attendance at table checks is required to obtain successful completion of this course. 



- Students must attend the course regularly.

- In case of absence or delay, you must notify the teacher. You must present a note excusing the absence when returning to class. It is up to you to inquire (with the class delegate or a classmate) about the work that was missed and any homework that was turned in or assigned.


Course Program


1. Introduction:
- What is France?

-A brief history of modern France

2. France:

-A Republic and its institutions 

-French citizens

3. France:

-A Republic and its institutions 

-French citizens

4.  France:

-The State: the executive power

-The State: Assemblies and Councils 

5. France: 

-Justice and Citizens

6. France: 

- The major administrations 

7. TEST 1

-the citizen and their work

8. Test corrections for Test 1

-France: the regions, departments and communes (municipalities) 

9. France in Europe: 

-What is Europe?

10. France in Europe: 

-The operation of the European Union 

11. France in Europe: 

-The division of the French on the European Question

-France: sovereign country or suppressed country?

12. France in the world: 

-The influence of France: Francephone, culture, the "French exception"

13. TEST 2

France in the world: France criticized 

14. Test corrections for test 2

France in the world: advantages and weakness of the position of France in the world 

15. Conclusions: 

-Predictions for the future of France, the future of France in Europe and the future of France in the world 

*Course content subject to change