Course Description

Course Name

History of Women and Feminism

Session: VPRF1325

Hours & Credits

42 Contact Hours

Prerequisites & Language Level

Note: A placement exam will be required when you arrive on site.

High Intermediate

  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of three semesters (or five quarters) at the college level.


  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of two semesters (or three quarters) at the college level.



On the basis of the profiles of exceptional women, this course presents the discovery of a history of women in France and their defining characterisitcs; as well as the analysis of feminism as it could be defined according to different eras. We will begin in the eighteenth century and work our way back to the present day; studying the debates that shake French society and understanding the struggles and battles that are yet to come.


2/ Pedagogical Approach of the Teacher: 


Using authentic documents, various classroom activities, reading at home, and sharing information from various sources, the course will allow each student to discover the important biographies of French women, their ideas, their actions. Then, the last part of the course will offer a rereading (synthesis) of a more general history of women in France at various times.



Presentation on Powerpoint, text extracts (law, novels), posters, songs, films, videos and skits



History of Women in the West, in 5 volumes, by Georges Duby and Michelle Perrot, ed. Plon, 1991. Various bibliographies of exceptional women. Sitography: France.tvéducation



Notes 1 and 2: 2 classroom tests Note 3: Writing a personal research project. Note 4: participation (attendance, initiative, responsiveness, relevance of the interventions) Each note takes into account knowledge and expression in French. Attendance to both tests is mandatory to obtain the certificate.




Maximum number of unjustified absences: two. Beyond this, neither the Attendance Certificate nor the Certificate of Achievement can be awarded. In case of absence or delay, inform the professor and the secretariat. Present proof when returning to class. It is up to you to ask a friend about the work done and the tasks you have asked.





1. Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793)

2. From Joan of Arc to Marianne

3. George Sand, writer (1804-1876)

4. The education of women (Since 1850 Falloux law)

5. Clémence-Louise Michel (1830-1905)

6. Marie Curie, scientist (1867-1934)

7. The right to vote: women in politics

8. Simone de Beauvoir, philosopher, 1949, The Second Sex

9. The Women's Liberation Movement (August 26, 1970)

10. Simone Veil  (1927-2017)

11. The glass ceiling (1986) Nathalie Loizeau

12. Elisabeth Badinter, philosopher

13. Typical portraits of French women (INSEE figures)

14. Women reporters and journalists: woman in the media

15. Florence Foresti, comedian









*Course content subject to change