Course Description

Course Name

Track II: Intermediate Spanish II

Session: VVLS3125

Hours & Credits

3 Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Prerequisite: Intermediate Spanish I


  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of two semesters (or three quarters) at the college level.



Este track está dirigido a alumnos que hayan completado un año de español en la universidad o cursos equivalentes. Aprenderán a narrar en los principales marcos temporales, así como a usar el subjuntivo en el contexto adecuado. En la tercera parte del track se enfatizará la escritura, familiarizando al alumno con las convenciones de diferentes tipos de textos, como la descripción, la narración, cartas formales e informales y textos expositivos.

This track is offered to students who have completed a year of college Spanish or its equivalent. They will learn to narrate in the main time-frames, as well as to use the subjunctive mood in the correct contexts. The third part of the track focuses on writing, familiarizing the student with the conventions of different types of texts, such as description, narration, formal and informal letters and expository essays.


Después de completar con éxito el Track II, los alumnos serán capaces de  describir un incidente o accidente destacando los puntos principales de forma escrita y oral  describir situaciones o eventos hipotéticos expresando probabilidad y diferentes grados de certeza  escribir sobre una variedad de experiencias en el pasado, combinando narración y descripción, proporcionando comentarios personales  escribir un texto para proporcionar su opinión sobre diferentes temas polémicos  seguir el modelo procesual de escritura organizando la información, elaborando un borrador, revisando el contenido y la forma y, finalmente, redactando cuatro redacciones cuidadosamente editadas sobre una variedad de temas  leer cuentos cortos de autores locales e interpretar sus claves culturales  examinar el valor de las creencias, comportamientos y normas culturales propios contrastándolos y comparándolos con los de la comunidad de la lengua meta.

After the successful completion of Track II, the student will be able to describe an incident or an accident making the main points clear in oral and written forms describe hypothetical situations or events, expressing probability and degrees of certainty in oral and written forms write about a variety of experiences in the past, combining description and narration and providing personal comments compose a text to provide his/her opinion regarding different controversial issues follow a process approach to writing, by organizing the information, drafting, revising content and form and finally, writing carefully edited compositions on a variety of topics  read short stories by local authors and interpret their cultural references examine the value of one´s own cultural beliefs, behaviors, and norms by contrasting and comparing them with those of the target language community.

*Course content subject to change