Course Description

Course Name

Writing from Theory

Session: VRMF3125

Hours & Credits

3 Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Pre-requisites: ENG 102.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


This course is a seminar on the principles of effective expository writing with a focus on the critical perspectives and theories that enliven contemporary literary, art, and cultural studies. Through an historical survey of critical theory, including an introduction to relevant terminology, the course will cover various types of arguments, appropriate to different concerns and cultural contexts. The theory addressed in this course spans theories of race, class, gender and national identity, postmodern and poststructuralist perspectives, Marxist critique, and psychoanalytic approaches. Writing assignments will provide students with the opportunity to apply these theories to literary works, film, painting, and built space.

3 credit hours. Pre-requisites: ENG 102.

*Course content subject to change