Student Testimonials

London Student Testimonials

Overall, this trip has confirmed and strengthened my faith in such subtle yet mighty ways. 

Christy C., Vanguard University, England

Without a doubt, my time studying abroad in London, England was a time of tremendous personal and spiritual growth. This is due largely to the opportunities provided to me by the Veritas program. Whether it was time spent meeting with my Mission Mentor, serving the city at outreach events, or just being alone with God, there were many instances that were essential to my spiritual and personal development while abroad. Now that I am back in the United States, I hope the lessons I learned abroad will be helpful in my life as a student and member of a campus ministry.


Annie B., University of Kentucky, England

"Before this trip, I had only been out of the U.S one time for a missions trip. That was different because it was only a week-long trip. Having a three-month experience was completely different. I was able to meet so many more people and become a part of the culture and community. Having that kind of involvement cannot be taught, you just have to experience it.... Overall, I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. I have learned so much about London, my faith, and just people in general."

Rebekah A., Messiah College, England

My time here thus far has shown me that, as part of God's family, I have brothers and sisters all over the world.  I've met so many wonderful fellow believers here, and it's so cool to know that God is building His kingdom here just like he is at my home university.  It's been really encouraging to realize that I can use the skills and abilities God has given me here just as much as I can at home.

Amelia B, University of Minnesota, England

For more, head over to our student testimonials page.