Course Description

Course Name

Food and Society

Session: VLNF3425

Hours & Credits

20 UK Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Prerequisite(s): 100 credits at HE1 including compulsory HE1 set in Sociology or a cognate subject

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Assessment: food diary and commentary (1000 words) [30%], sociological analysis of the food diary (2500 words) [70%]
Food is a topical issue in contemporary society and an area where sociology has recently turned its attention. This module sets out to explore our relationship to food in a number of ways and examines the global and local contexts of food production, distribution, regulation and consumption. Students will gain an insight into how political, economic, cultural and symbolic factors affect the way we relate to food. The module seeks to develop a reflective method; in particular it will draw upon autobiographical approaches in sociology.

*Course content subject to change