The Dynamic course is the fourth course of physics of the civil engineering and mechanical engineering degrees in which the concepts and modern techniques of the fundamental laws of mechanics are deepened to apply them to more complex problems, both physical and mathematical, relevant in the engineering sciences.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this fourth physics course, the student will be able to handle dynamic systems using concentrated parameter models applied to mechanical systems. The topics to cover are: rotations in 3 dimensions and fictitious forces, dynamic of the rigid solid,
Lagrangean formalism, mechanical vibrations, systems of a large number of degrees of freedom.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
The main strategies are the expository classes with the theoretical bases of the discipline and assistantship sessions in which exercises are developed using the concepts discussed in classes. Equally important is the personal analytical study of situations that model aspects of physical reality and its applications. Strategies include:
• Active participation in chair classes.
• Study of texts.
• Visualization of videos or demonstrations that motivate the theory.
• Resolution of problems in assistantships.
• Resolution of tasks and controls.
• Contextualization of the content.
• The process is completed with three tests and ends with a final exam.
The contents treated and the analysis methodologies used contribute to the quantitative approach of various engineering problems. Additionally, it helps them to model these problems, with the aim of improving existing technological solutions or to create alternative solutions.
Learning Assessment Procedures
The evaluation instruments of this course include:
• Three cumulative tests. (Marks P1, P2, P3).
• A final exam (Mark E).
• Marks of different evaluations, consisting of Assistantship controls and / or Tasks (Theoretical or Computational). The number of these evaluations will be variable, and its implementation will depend on the teacher of each section. (Mark T= NT)
The presentation mark (NP) is the average
NP = 0,25 × (P1+P2+P3+T).
The calculation of the presentation mark NP is approximated
The final exam is of a global nature and aims to evaluate the main contents covered in the course. ALL students must take an exam.
If the exam grade is identical to or higher than 2.0, the final grade will be calculated as follows: (NC= Chair mark)
NC = 0.75×NP + 0.25×E.
If the exam grade is identical to or lower than 2,0, final mark will be:
NC = 0,4×NP + 0,6×E.
Important: The Exam has a REPROBATORY character, that is, if a student obtains a grade lower than 2.0 in the exam,the course is AUTOMATICALLY FAILED, regardless of his / her Presentation Grade.
The calculation of the NC chair mark is approximated.
The absence to one of the official tests or other evaluated activities must be duly justified before undergraduate area as soon as possible.
If the student is missing one of the chair tests and the justification is accepted by undergraduate area, in the week before the last week of the semester, there will be a recuperative test of the missing evaluations. This test will include the contents of the 3 tests.
If the student fails to another evaluated activity, the grade of the following test will replace it, provided that the absence is duly justified before undergraduate area (this rule does not apply to tasks or other evaluated work without definite schedule for its realization). The un justified absence to any evaluated activity, will have a grade of 1.0.
The absence to two or more tests implies the failure of the course with grade NF = NP.
In case of justified absence to the final exam the student will have the possibility of taking an exam on the date stipulated by the academic secretariat for this purpose. In this case, the examination will be oral before a committee of professors.
The assistantship controls do not have definite dates and will be announced at least one week in advance. The date of the exam will be announced in a timely manner.
Unites of the Course
It is divided into 5 large thematic units.
Unit 1: Newton's Laws, vectors. frames of inertial and non-inertial references. Speed, acceleration and rotational movement. Euler angles and group of rotations.
Unit 2: Angular Momentum and torque. Diagrams of free body and fictitious forces.
Unit 3: Rigid solid movement, rotation energy and inertia tensor.
Unit 4: Lagrangian formalism and equations of movement.
Unit 5: Mechanical vibrations. Analysis of systems of many degrees of freedom, analysis of vibrations by method of superposition of normal modes.
*Course content subject to change