Course Description
Course Name
Session: VVPU1625
Hours & Credits
45 Contact Hours
Prerequisites & Language Level
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
In this subject, the basic laws that govern phenomena and electrical technology are made known and applied.
It is impossible to conceive a civilization with the degree of complexity of ours, without the concurrence of electricity and electronics. Practically all the technological applications that make up our immediate environment either directly apply electrical or electronic devices or these have been necessary for their development or production.
The development of these technologies, however, is not the result of sudden inspiration or a process of trial and error, but of a thorough understanding of the models devised by the scientific community to account for the innumerable manifestations of electrical phenomena that They occur in Nature.
An engineer, therefore, must manage a conceptual structure in Basic Sciences that allows him to model the phenomenologies that characterize a certain system and, in particular, at least the classical theory of Electricity and Magnetism, as a basis to face higher studies that allow him to integrate creatively and productively in society and the current economy, taking advantage of the multiple opportunities that are constantly open to creators capable of undertaking.
General Objectives:
(a) Apply and connect mathematical, physical and engineering knowledge.
(b) Analyze and interpret data from simulations of physical reality.
(c) Model and simulate computationally systems, components or processes of physical reality.
ABET Skill: (a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
Specific Objectives: Know, understand and know how to apply the fundamental laws that govern electromagnetic phenomena: Gauss's Law for electric and magnetic fields, Ampère's Law, Faraday's Law.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the expression and / or the value of a force of a continuous or discrete distribution.
- Calculate the expression of the electric field of a load configuration, and / or load distribution.
ABET Skill: (b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
Specific Objectives: Appreciate the importance of the concept of vector field as a dynamic entity and highlight its relevance both in electromagnetic processes and in other areas of physics.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the potential of a discrete or continuous load distribution at a space point.
- Deduce the expression of electric
field from a potential.
ABET Skill: (c) Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
Specific Objectives: Elements of vector calculation as a powerful tool for the application of electromagnetism to various practical problems that occur in the field of engineering.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the electrostatic energy of a charge configuration.
- Calculate the condenser capacity of the type: Plane, cylindrical and spherical.
ABET Skill: (d) Recognition of the need and ability to commit to lifelong learning.
Specific Objectives: Prepare the student to solve problems numerical practical order of Physics.
Learning Results:
- "Calculate the charge of a capacitor when a potential difference V is applied. Calculation of the energy stored in a capacitor when it has been charged, and / or applied a potential V. "
ABET Skill: (e) Knowledge of contemporary issues
Specific Objectives: Illustrate in an experimental way the notions and ideas developed in class, through weekly laboratories.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the current flowing through a resistance, by applying a potential difference V.
- Calculate the power dissipated in a resistance or resistance networks by the passage of a current I.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the expression of the current as a function of time of an RC circuit.
- Calculate the currents that circulate through a circuit with more than one source: Apply the laws of Kirchhoff.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the force of a moving load in the presence of a magnetic field.
- Calculate the force and torque on a conductor by circulating current I in the presence of a B field.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the expression of a magnetic field B by the emission of a current I at a point of space: Law of Biot Savart.
- Calculate the expression of the system B field with symmetry using the Ampere law.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the emf induced in a system by a flux that changes over time (Faraday's Law).
- Calculate the expression of the inductance.
Learning Results:
- Calculate the expression of the current in an RL circuit.
- Calculate the expression of the current in an RCL circuit
- Calculate the expression of the amplitude of the current of an RCL circuit, connected to a source of alternating current.
- Calculate the magnetic energy of an RL and / or RLC circuit.
Unit 1: Introduction to electrical and electrostatic phenomenaContents of the Subject:
It is divided into 5 large thematic units.
Field and Electric Potential; Gauss's Law; Capacitance Capacitors; Dielectrics; Energy storage
Unit 2: Electric current
Electric current; Ohm's law; Resistance; Electric circuits, Kirchhoff's laws
Unit 3: Magnetostatics
Ampère Law; Lorentz Force; Magnetic induction; Faraday's Law; Law of Lenz
Unit 4: Electrical circuits dependent on time
RC Circuit, RL Circuit, RLC Circuit Mechanical Analogies.
Unit 5 : Maxwell's equations
Ecuaciones de Maxwell; Ondas electromagnéticas
The pedagogical method consists of:
• expository classes with the theoretical bases of the discipline;
• personal analytical study of situations that model aspects of physical and technological reality;
• construction of algebraic and computational models of the physical and technological environment.
The method of learning by students
Active participation in the lectures.
• Visualization of videos or demonstrations that motivate the theory.
• Resolution of problems in assistantships.
• Resolution of tasks and quizes.
• Contextualization of the content.
• The process is completed with three tests and ends with a final exam.
Learning Evaluation:
The evaluation instruments of this course include:
1. Three cumulative test pruebas acumulativas. (Grades T1, T2, T3).
2. A final exam (Grade E).
3. Notes of different evaluations, consisting of tasks (theoretical or computational) and / or assistantship controls. The number of these evaluations will be variable, and its implementation will depend on the teacher of each section.
The presentation grade NP is the average
NP = (T1+t2+t3+T)/4
El cálculo de la nota de presentación NP se aproxima y se trunca al primer dígito.
The final exam is of a global nature and aims to evaluate the main contents covered in the course. ALL students must take an exam.
If the exam grade is equal to or greater than 2.0, the final grade will be calculated as: NC = 0.75×NP + 0.25×E.
If the exam grade is less than 2.0 the final grade will be: NC = 0,4×NP + 0,6×E.
Note: The Exam has a REPROBATORY character, that is, if a student obtains a grade lower than 2.0 in the exam, it is AUTOMATICALLY REPROVED, regardless of his / her Presentation Note.
The calculation of the NC lecture grade is approximated and truncated to the first digit.
The absence to one of the official tests or other evaluated activities must be duly justified before undergraduate office as soon as possible.
If the student is missing one of the proficiency tests and the justification is accepted by the undergraduate office, in the penultimate week of the semester there will be a replacement test of the missing test. This test will evaluate the contents of the 3 tests.
If the student fails to another activity evaluated, the grade of the following test will replace it, provided that the absence is duly justified by the undergraduate office (this rule does not apply to tasks or other evaluated work without definite schedule for its realization). The absence not justified to any evaluated activity, will have a grade of 1.0.
The absence to two or more tests implies the failure of the bouquet with note NF = NP.
In case of absence justified to the final exam the student will have the possibility of taking an exam on the date stipulated by the academic secretary for this purpose. In this case, the examination will be oral before a committee of professors.
• Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday, Resnick and Walker, 10th edition, Wiley (Mandatory reading).
• Raymond A Serway& John W Jewett “Fisica para ciencias e ingeniería con Física Moderna”
• PhysicsforScientistsandEng. Randall D.Knight.
Depassier T. y Mario Favre D.
• ELECTROMAGNETISMO, Patricio Cordero, Editorial Universitaria
Further reading:
• The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 2.
• Electricity and Magnetism N. Purcell Berkeley
• Introduction to electrodynamics, 3rd edition David J. Griffiths Prentice Hall
• John R Reitz Robert W Christy; Frederick J Milford (1993). Foundations of electromagnetic theory.
Massachusetts, US: Addison-Wesley.,Tomo I. 2002: S.L. (Grupo Patria Cultural) Alay Ediciones.
• David Cheng. (1998). Fundamentos de electromagnetismoparaIngenieros. México: Addison Wesley.
• Paul Tipler. (2005). Física, Tomo II. España: Reverte.
• Halliday&Resnick. (1996). Física, Vol II. México: Reverté.
• Electromagnetismo: problemasanalizados y resueltos Furman, Miguel A
• José Luis Fernández Fernández 1958- M Pérez-Amor (Mariano). (2012). Guía para la resolución de
problemas de electromagnetismo: compendio de teoría. España: Reverté.
Lectures consists of:
• The motivation of the subject to be treated, the historical background, the relationship with other topics of physics or with other areas of knowledge, as appropriate. Some classes will be motivated with demonstrations or videos.
• The presentation of the theoretical foundations of the topic to be treated.
• The application of the results obtained in the resolution of physical problems.
• Its relationship with problems of the social and technological environment.
• The content treated as a metaphor for other problems.
• The copy in controls, tests or exam is considered a serious fault and will be drastically sanctioned according to the code of honor of the UAI:
"The student who is caught using or attempting to use unlawful procedures during the development of interrogations or in the performance of work, will be qualified with the minimum grade of one (1.0) in said interrogation or work. In case of recidivism in the course of their studies, additional sanctions will be applied, which may go until their elimination from the University."
Recuperative tests: Regularizing test, that is what has failed to a test, whose justification was accepted by undergraduate. This is in the penultimate week of the semester and the content is of the three tests.
*Course content subject to change