Course Description
Course Name
Superior Spanish Grammar
Session: VVPS1225
Hours & Credits
60 Contact Hours
Prerequisites & Language Level
Note: A placement exam will be required when you arrive on site.
- Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of 2 upper-division college level courses at their home university in the U.S.
Course description
Theoretical-practical course oriented to the pragmatic-discursive aspects of Spanish grammar. Through diverse material, the system of rules and usage of Spanish will be analyzed and applied.
Main objective
Improve the student’s grammatical competence from a pragmatic-discursive approach.
Specific objectives
Analyze the semantic-pragmatic aspects related to the system of rules and usage of the language based on the noun and verb.
Understand and produce diverse texts considering linguistic precision and coherence.
- Noun syntagm: pronouns, interrogative pronouns, direct and indirect object, reflexives, use of “se”. Chilean pronominal system.
- The noun: pronominal system in Spanish. Notion of register. Interrogation in Spanish.
- Verb syntagm: opposition and use of “ser” and “estar”, preterits (perfectiveness, imperfectiveness, and aspect). Indicative mood.
- The verb: tenses and moods. Description. Narration. Argumentation.
- Subordination. Subjunctive mood, tense value, structure, types of verbs. Adverbial clauses.
- Preposition use with verbs
- Oral and written discourse markers. Textual markers, conjunctions, prepositions.
- Communication settings present in daily life in Valparaíso and Viña del Mar–academic, family and entertainment settings – Forms of interaction.
- Theoretical and expository lessons
- Individual and pair work
- Grammar analysis
- Readings
- Text production
- Grammar worksheets
- Tests (3)
- Compositions (3)
- Final exam
- The teacher will permanently assess the level of the student’s grammar competence development through classwork and homework
- Alarcos Llorach, E. (1970): Gramática de la Lengua Española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
- Bosque, Ignacio y Demonte, Violeta. (1999): Gramática Descriptiva de la Lengua Española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
- Gili Gaya, S. (1998): Curso Superior de Sintaxis Española, 15 ed. Barcelona: Bibliograf
- Porroche, M. (1998): Ser, Estar y Verbos de Cambio. Madrid: Arcolibros
- RAE (1973): Esbozo de una Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
- Calsamiglia, H., & Tusón, A. (1999). Las cosas del decir. Manual de análisis del discurso. Barcelona: Ariel.
*Course content subject to change