"This has been a journey of Jesus continuing to wreck my life in the most beautiful way. He continues to breathe new life into me and wake me up to the incredible mission that is going on around us."
Jessica M., Washington State University
Veritas programs offers Christian study abroad opportunities for semester and summer terms. Certain programs also offer academic year terms or intensive month language programs. Check out this short clip for what we are all about!
Our Programs
The mission of Veritas Christian Study Abroad is to provide college-level study abroad programs at host universities abroad while helping students develop as ministry-minded Christian leaders as they learn to live and serve in another culture. Veritas Christian study abroad programs incorporate distinctive elements—Christian spiritual support and community, ministry opportunities, and academics—to deepen their faith during a traditional study abroad program.
Veritas Christian Study Abroad is a division of International Studies Abroad (ISA). ISA is an innovative leader in the study abroad community. For over 30 years, ISA has been providing high-quality academic programs with excellent student support at home and abroad. Veritas Christian Study Abroad is privileged to utilize the experience and infrastructure of ISA to create programs for students where their faith is honored and fostered during a study abroad term. Veritas shares offices and support staff with other ISA programs. Veritas students will participate in orientation, classes, cultural activities, and excursions together alongside traditional ISA students. ISA staff are very experienced and will do everything they can to help a student’s time abroad be successful. Veritas offers Christian study abroad opportunities for semester and/or summer terms in 12 countries. Certain sites also offer intensive month language programs.
Spiritual Support and Christian Community
On a Veritas program, students receive on-site spiritual support from a Veritas Mentor who helps make their time abroad a spiritually engaging and growing experience. Their Veritas Mentor also engages students in Christian community through connecting them with a local church and other ministry opportunities.
Ministry Opportunities
Students work with the local church and established ministries while studying abroad, serving others in the host community. Students will get a broader understanding of the joys and challenges of cross-cultural ministry. Engaging with the local community also provides unique immersion and perspective of their host culture.
To further enrich the study abroad experience, semester and summer Veritas Christian Study Abroad students also explore faith and life abroad through an additional course taught from a Biblical worldview. In addition to being a full-time student at a host institution abroad, semester students take a 3-credit Comparative Religions or Global Ministry Practicum course and summer students a 1-credit Global Ministry Practicum course.
Our Values
Veritas Christian Study Abroad is an inter-denominational study abroad program committed to helping students become culturally-aware people of faith who recognize their opportunities to live as global followers of Christ. We affirm the Apostle's Creed as a historically understood statement of basic Christian beliefs.
The leadership of Veritas Christian Study Abroad and the Veritas Mentors in each of our locations identify as Protestant Evangelical Christians. We recognize that within this identification, there are a variety of denominations and doctrinal distinctions that we hope will lead to students having healthy inquiry and faith discussions as they explore the world on an Veritas program.
Veritas Christian Study Abroad is not a church. We strive to help students identify a church home while abroad that honors and fosters their identity as a follower of Christ.
Our Students
Students on Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs come from diverse Christian backgrounds and a variety of college experiences: some from private or Christian universities and others from secular or state universities.