Course Description

Course Name

Physics for Scientists and Engineers II + Lab (Guaranteed- Fall)

Session: VVLS3125

Hours & Credits

3 Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.



Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 9th Edition (R. Serway and J. Jewett).

Textbook: Lab guides downloadable from UPV/PoliformaT web site.


Physics for Scientists and Engineers II is an introductory, calculus-based physics course covering mainly electromagnetism and matter. Topics to be covered include thermodynamics (laws, kinetic theory, states of matter), electrostatics and electrodynamics (charge, fields, force, potential, current, dielectrics, circuit elements), magnetism (fields, forces, sources, materials), and electromagnetic oscillations.

LAB: The purpose of the physics laboratory is to allow students to witness the concepts and physical laws that are introduced in lectures. You will also be exposed to elementary laboratory techniques. Experiments will usually be performed in groups, and each group will turn in a team lab report.


Unit 1. Zero law of Thermodynamics. Exercises.
Temperature. Zero law of Thermodynamics.
Temperature scales.
Thermal expansion of solids and liquids.
Equation of state of an ideal gas.

Unit 2. The First law of Thermodynamics.
Heat and Internal Energy.
Mechanical equivalent of heat. Specific and Latent heat.
Work and pV diagrams.
The First law of Thermodynamics.
Adiabatic, Isobaric, Isocoric and Isothermal processes for ideal gases.
Energy transfer mechanism in thermal processes: Conduction, Convection, Radiation.

Unit 3. Thermal engines. The second law of Thermodynamics.
Heat engines. The second law of Thermodynamics.
Reversible and irreversible processes.
The Carnot and Otto cycle.

Unit 4. Electric Field.
Electric charges. Coulomb’s law.
Electric field of point charges.
Electric field of a continuous charge distribution.
Electric field lines.

Unit 5. Gauss’s law.
Electric flux.
Gauss’s law.
Electric field due to various charge distributions.
Conductors in electrostatic equilibrium.

Unit 6. Electric Potential.
Work of the electric field. Electrostatic energy.
Electric potential and Difference of potential on an electric field.
Electric Potential due to point charges.
Electric potential due to a distribution of charges.

Unit 7. Capacitance and Dielectrics.
The parallel plate Capacitor. Capacitance.
Combinations of capacitors.
Energy stored in a capacitor.
Capacitors with dielectrics.

Unit 8. Current and Resistance.
Electric current.
Electric resistance.
Changes in resistance with temperature.
Electrical power.

Unit 9. Direct-current circuits.
Generators. Electromotive force.
Combinations of resistors.
Kirchoff’s rules.

Unit 10. Magnetic field.
Introduction. Magnets and magnetic fields.
Force on a charged particle moving inside a magnetic field.
Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor.
Torque on a loop in a magnetic field.
Hall effect.

Unit 11. Sources of the Magnetic field.
The Biot-Savart law.
Magnetic force between two parallel conductors.
Ampere´s law.
Magnetic field of a solenoid.
Ferromagnetic materials.

Unit 12. Faraday’s law.
Magnetic flux.
Faraday’s and Lenz’s law.
Generators of A.C.

Unit 13. Inductance.
Self-Induction and Inductance.
Energy in a magnetic field.

Unit 14. Alternating current circuits.
Alternating current. The transformer.
Behaviour of basic dipoles (R, L, C) facing an A.C. Phasor diagrams.
RLC series circuit. Impedance and phase lag.
Resonance on A.C. circuits.

Unit 15. Electromagnetic waves.
Maxwell’s equations.
Displacement currents.
Plane electromagnetic waves.
Production and reception of electromagnetic waves by antennas.
The spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

Lab 1: Orientation. Uncertainties
Lab 2: Mathematical modeling of physical phenomena
Lab 3. Gas law
Lab 4: Electrostatics. Mapping electric fields
Lab 5: The Oscilloscope
Lab 6: The Capacitor
Lab 7: DMM. Resistors and circuits
Lab 8: Electric equivalent of heat
Lab 9: EMF source and CEMF receptor. Internal resistance (session 1)
Lab 10: EMF source and CEMF receptor. Internal resistance (session 2)
Lab 11: Self-inductance and mutual inductance coefficient
Lab 12: AC. RLC circuit
Lab 13: Conclusions and evaluation


1. Demonstrate problem solving skills in various types of problems in physics using quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and appropriate mathematical techniques.
2. Demonstrate the ability of using scientific methods to understand and explain concepts in physics.
3. Connect physics concepts and problems to their world experience.


1. The student will demonstrate problem solving skills in various types of problems in physics using quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and appropriate mathematical techniques.
2. The student will demonstrate the ability of use scientific methods to understand and explain concepts in physics.
3. The student will be able to connect physics concepts and problems to their world experience.
4. The student will demonstrate skills in collection and interpretation of data from laboratory experiments
5. Properly use and read: scales, calipers, digital voltmeters, micrometer and balances.
6. Develop proper habits that minimize uncertainty in physical measurements.
7. Set up and solve problems related to the propagation of errors and uncertainties.
8. Understand and properly use significant figures.
9. Plot and fit experimental data to a given mathematical model.
10. Proficiency in troubleshooting, problem-solving and interpreting the results of physical measurements.
11. Develop effective written and verbal communications skills to ensure accurate transfer of technical information.

*Course content subject to change