Course Description

Course Name

Linear Algebra (Guaranteed - Spring)

Session: VVLF3125

Hours & Credits

1 Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Two semesters of college-level calculus. 

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


It is an introductory course emphasizing techniques of linear algebra with applications to engineering; topics include matrix operations, determinants, linear equations, vector spaces, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. 

Linear Algebra might be consider as a mathematical toolkit for analyzing data and geometry. In virtually every area of human endeavor, data and geometry are or can be used to further understanding and to assist in making predictions. Indeed, Linear Algebra is behind the majority of technical and scientific discoveries.

Student Learning Outcomes 
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
-Demonstrate an understanding of matrices and gaussian elimination, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 
-Apply numerical, computational, and estimation techniques. 
-Use matrices to model and analyze physical phenomena.
-Explain and use the tools to formulate and solve problems in mathematical situations and connect concepts covered to other disciplines. 
-Communicate ideas through descriptive language, as well as through mathematical symbols. 

Required Textbooks & course materials 
-Textbook: This course will cover chapters 1-6 (omitting some sections) of the course text Linear Algebra and its Applications by Gilbert Strang, 4th edition (Publisher: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning). Acquisition of a physical copy of the text is not necessary though. 
-Course materials: Lecture notes and additional material will be downloadable from UPV poliformaT platform after enrollment. A non-programmable scientific calculator is required. 

Evaluation (Course Grade) 
The course grade will be determined as follows: 
PoliformaT homework:  40 points 
Classwork: 20 points 
Final Examination: 40 points 
100 points possible 

Excused absences comprise the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or health/doctor's note required); and death in the immediate family and other documented crises. Excuses for absences must be submitted within two (2) days after the day of return. Absences due to delayed or missed flights, trains, buses, etc. are UNEXCUSED ABSENCES. 
One unexcused absence per course will not have repercussions on a student´s grade. Two unexcused absences will lower your grades by 5 %. Three unexcused absences absences will lower your grades by 10%. Classes start punctually. Late arrivals(more than 5 minutes) and early departures from class will count as half an absence. It is important to be prompt! 2 lates equals 1 unexcused absence. 
Students are responsible for making up all work missed during absences. Students may not make up graded work for unexcused absences. Except in the case of excused absences or extreme extenuating circumstances the following will be the policy of this class: 
- Late assignments will not be accepted. 
-There will be no "make-up's" of quizzes or exams. 
A student who misses 25% of total course hours will be considered as having abandoned the course and the final course grade will be reported as a fail. 
- CALCULATORS: Calculators will not be allowed for any quizzes or exams. Thus, as much as possible, try to complete homework problems without using a calculator. 
- DISABILITY POLICY: Every effort will be made to accommodate students with disabilities or special learning needs.  If you have a documented disability for which you have already requested accommodations through the ISA Central office, your instructor will have been notified so that arrangements can be made early in the term. 
- ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: Plagiarism, cheating, submitting work of another person or work previously used and other forms of academic dishonesty will lead to lowered course grades, failure of the course or more severe measures, depending on judgments of the gravity of the individual case.  
- STATEMENT ON AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING: Surreptitious or covert video-taping of class or unauthorized audio recording of class is prohibited by law and by ISA policy. This class may be videotaped or audio recorded only with the written permission of the instructor. In order to accommodate students with disabilities, some students may have been given permission to record class lectures and discussions. Therefore, students should understand that their comments during class may be recorded. 

*Course content subject to change