Course Description
Course Name
The Road to Democracy in Portugal, Greece and Spain (in English)
Session: VSVS2325
Hours & Credits
6 ECTS Credits
Prerequisites & Language Level
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
Course Description
During the second half of the 1970's, Southern Europe inaugurated the "third wave of
democratization." This course approaches that crucial period of Portuguese, Greek and
Spanish history with a comparative methodology. The course will analyze the nature of
authoritarian regimes and democracy, as well as the transition to and consolidation of
Course Goals and Methodology
By the end of the semester, students will be familiar with the history of democratic ideas,
s.a. democracy's ultimate nature and value. Secondly, to understand the origins,
development and consolidation of democratic governments, including the various forms
of such governments throughout history. Lastly, to identify and analyze different factors,
actors and historical processes which led to democratic governments in Southern
Students will come prepared to classed with assigned readings and homework.
Class time will alternate lectures, debates, group discussions, documentaries, etc.
Learning Objectives
Through this course, students will:
• Demonstrate a broad knowledge of central themes (democratization, varieties
of political regimes, democratic performance, democratic institutions), theories
(democratic theory, theory of regime consolidation, theory of regime change), in
the study of political regimes and regime change.
• Become familiar with foundational literature (classic and contemporary
research) as well as developments in the scholarly literature within the field of
study concerning democracy and democratization.
• Demonstrate knowledge concerning the role played by and the impact of
democracy and democratization throughout history as well as the role played by
democracy and political regime change in contemporary societies studied
• Build upon knowledge and literature studied in order to develop further research
in the area of democracy and democratization, applying theories, concepts,
data, and methods studied in this course.
• Develop insights into the key issues regarding political regimes,
democratization, regime stability, democratic quality and performance that are
relevant for understanding and consulting on political systems in the world
• Be familiar with new ways of studying and understanding political regimes and
the institutional design of new democracies from past as well as contemporary
Required Texts
Selection of readings from various works (*) available in Blackboard.
• Anderson, L. (ed.), Transitions to Democracy, New York: Columbia University
Press, 1999
• Buchanan, T., Europe's Troubled Peace, 1945-2000, Oxford, Blackwell's,
• *Grugel, J. and Bishop, M.L., Democratization: A Critical Introduction, New
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 (2nd ed.).
• Huntington, S., The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth
Century, Norman OK, University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
• *Judt, T., Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945, London, Penguin Press,
• Linz, J. and A. Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation.
Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe, Baltimore MD,
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
• *Malefakis, E., "Southern Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries: An Historical
Overview”, Madrid, Instituto Juan March, CEACS: Working Papers, 1992.
• Maravall, J.M., Regimes, Politics and Markets: Democratization and Economic
change in Southern and Eastern Europe, London, Oxford UP, 1997.
• O'Donnell, G., P. Schmitter, L. Whitehead, Transitions from Authoritarian Rule:
Southern Europe, Baltimore MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
• Sorensen, G., Democracy and Democratization: Processes and Prospects in a
changing World, San Francisco, Westview, 1993.
Course Requirements and Grading
Oral participation is very important. Students are expected to contribute enthusiastically
and courteously. The participation grade will take into account your initiative and
creativity during the different activities scheduled during the course, but also any
outside activity that you participate in. Students will come prepared to class, after
working with the assigned pages from the handbook, key questions and other material
supplied by the instructor.
There will be two examinations: a midterm and a final exam. Students will write two
papers during the semester and submit them in Blackboard. The first one is a review of
an article from academic journals. Further instructions for the review of articles is
available in Blackboard. The final paper is a commentary on the films screened in
class, supported by bibliography, due the last day of class (further instructions available
in Blackboard).
No late papers will be accepted. If you are not in class the day the first paper is due,
make sure to turn it in earlier
Your final grade will be calculated as follows:
• Participation (10%)
• Mid-term Exam (25%)
• Article Review (20%)
• Final Paper (20%)
• Final Exam (25%)
Course Contents
1. Introduction.
2. Democracy, Democratization, and Consolidation.
3. Democratization in Historical Perspective. Theories of Democratization.
4. Factors in democratization: The State, Civil Society, and Globalization.
5. Southern Europe in the 19th Century. Economy, Society and Culture.
6. Southern Europe in the 20th Century. Economy, Society and Culture.
7. Case Study 1, Portugal (Film "Capitães de abril" by Ricardo Passos, 2000).
8. Case Study 2, Greece (Film "Z" by Costa-Gavras, 1969).
9. Case Study 3, Francoism and Democratization in Spain (Film “23F” by Chema de
la Peña, 2011)
10. Models of Transition and Model Transitions.
11. Consolidation of Democracy in Southern Europe.
12. Shortcomings and Accomplishments of Southern European Democratization.
Class Schedule
Session 1 – Introduction: presentation of the course and review of syllabus.
Sessions 2-3 – Democracy, Democratization, and Consolidation.
Sessions 4-5 – Democratization in Historical Perspective. Theories of Democratization.
Sessions 6-7 – Factors in democratization: The State, Civil Society, and Globalization.
Sessions 8-9 – Southern Europe in the 19th Century. Economy, Society and Culture.
Sessions 10-11 – Southern Europe in the 20th Century. Economy, Society and Culture.
Session 12 – Commentary I due in Blackboard. No late papers will be accepted.
Session 13 – Midterm Exam.
Sessions 14-15 – Case Study 1, Portugal (Film "Capitães de abril" by Ricardo Passos,
Session 16-17 – Case Study 2, Greece (Film "Z" by Costa-Gavras, 1969).
Sessions 18-19 – Case Study 3, Spain (Film “23F” by Chema de la Peña, 2011)
...Sessions 20-21 – Francoism in Spain.
Sessions 22-23 – Models of Transition and Model Transitions.
Sessions 24-25 – Consolidation of Democracy in Southern Europe.
Session 26 – Shortcomings and Accomplishments of Southern European
Democratization. Class discussion and Review. Final paper due in Blackboard
Final Exam (TBA).
*Course content subject to change