Course Description
Course Name
Spanish Grammar
Session: VSVS2125
Hours & Credits
Prerequisites & Language Level
- Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of four semesters (or six quarters) at the college level.
The aim of this Course is to improve, and develop further, students’ communication skills, paying
attention to key issues affecting the Grammar of Spanish.
In terms of an Advanced-Level Course, students would need to keep abreast of grammatical
circumstances concerning variants within the language, as well as issues related to the interaction of
norms and usage.
Likewise, students will be expected to acquire a certain degree of knowledge of the theoretical
dimension of Grammar so as to ensure further understanding of the constructions to be employed
within practical communication.
Classroom methodology will be based on the acquistion of an increased awareness of the grammatical
rules of Spanish and on their practical application within a series of specific activities.
As a complementary aspect of their grounding, with guidance from lecturers, students will carry out the
following kind of high-profile, keynote activities: for example, a critical review of selected bibliographical
titles; research into, and analysis of, grammatical constructions which appear in present-day texts in
1. The Grammatical Sentence.
Parts of the Sentence.
Simple Sentences and Complex Sentences: their Structure.
2. The Noun Phrase.
The Substantive. Number and Gender. Concordance.
Determiners and their Use.
3. Personal Pronouns.
Values and Uses of the Form se.
4. The Verb Phrase.
Expressing the Past.
The Future and the Conditional.
The Indicative and the Subjunctive.
Their Use in Simple Sentences.
Their Use in Complex Sentences. Their Interaction with Conjunctions.
The Verbs ser and estar.
Periphrastic Verb Forms.
5. Prepositions.
Por / para.
Other Prepositions.
*Course content subject to change