Course Description

Course Name

Organic Chemistry I (in English)--Fall Semester Only

Session: VSVF2325

Hours & Credits

75 Contact Hours

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


LIMITED ENROLLMENT. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of the compounds of carbon. CHE 210 is the first half of a comprehensive one-year course suitable for science majors. The first semester course includes structural and functional aspects of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with various heteroatom functionalities. Discussion focuses on the mechanistic basis for organic compound reactivity. First semester laboratories concentrate on the basic techniques and procedures used in organic syntheses and separations, including microscale techniques. In addition, modern analytical techniques (e.g. infrared spectroscopy) used in the identification of organic compounds will be discussed. *Lab Fee: 80?.

**REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS that should be bought prior to departure to Spain:
1) D.E. Klein, Organic Chemistry, 1st Ed., John Wiley&Sons, 2012
2) Brooks-Cole, Organic Chemistry Laboratory Notebook (100 carbonless duplicate pages).

Course materials (optional):
1) Darling, Molecular Visions Organic Model Kit.
2 Harwood and Claridge, Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy, Oxford University Press, 1996.

I expect you to stay on top of the material and not fall behind; you can accomplish this by
regularly attending class, reviewing your lecture notes after class and making note of any
trouble areas, and using your textbook to complement your lecture notes. You can also
accomplish this by starting your assignments or studying for your exams early and not waiting
until the last minute. Part of the ?incentive? for staying on top of the material are the five ?pop?
quizzes that will be held during the semester.

I expect you to use the resources that I provide for you to your best advantage; this includes following up with answer keys to midterms or assignments, lecture notes or handouts that I
put online, and completing the assigned problems from the text and/or extra problem sets that
I make for you. This also includes attending tutorial sessions and visiting me during my office
hours for extra help.

What you can expect from me: You can expect me to return your work to you as soon as
possible and with as much feedback as I can provide; yes, it might be a lot of ?red pen? but I?d
rather explain to you why something is wrong, so that you can use this feedback to obtain the
correct answer in the future. Please understand that I do most of my own grading and with the
large number of students that I have, this sort of thorough grading can take some time.

You can expect me to communicate with you as much as possible: I try very hard to answer
student e-mails quickly (although it helps if you are very clear and/or specific in what you are
asking me!) and if there is any additional information or clarification about assignments or
something we discussed in lecture, I will relay this information as soon as possible.

You can expect me to post lecture notes when applicable; I use a combination of chalkboard
and Power Point as appropriate ? I?ll post the Power Point notes online when I use them, and
will try hard to have them available for you before class.

You can expect me to be committed to your success in this course ; I will always make the
extra effort to help you succeed in Organic Chemistry, but please remember that learning is a
two-way street and that I expect you to be committed to your success, as well.

1 Course intro, model of the atom, electron configurations
2 Bonding patterns, valency, octet rule, Lewis structures, FCs
3 Valence bond theory, MO theory and hybridization
4 VSEPR theory and polarity, electronegativity, IMFs
5 Physical properties: mp, bp, solubility trends
6 Functional gps, structure drawing, DU, nomenclature, isomers
7 Functional gps, structure drawing, DU, nomenclature, isomers
8 Functional gps, structure drawing, DU, nomenclature, isomers
9 Infrared Spectroscopy 1: intro to IR spectroscopy
10 Infrared Spectroscopy 2: using IR spectroscopy
11 Infrared Spectroscopy 3: using IR spectroscopy
12 Resonance, curly arrows and electron pushing 1
13 Resonance, curly arrows and electron pushing 2
14 Resonance, curly arrows and electron pushing 3
15 Acid-base chemistry: general reaction and equilibrium
16 Acid-base chemistry: identifying acidic protons
17 Acid-base chemistry: structure-acidity relationships 1
18 Acid-base chemistry: structure-acidity relationships 2
19 Conformational Analysis 1: alkenes and priority rules
20 Conformational Analysis 2: alkanes, drawing structures in 3D
21 Conformational Analysis 3: cycloalkanes
22 Conformational Analysis 4: cycloalkanes
23 Stereochemistry: chirality and enantiomers
24 Stereochemistry: assigning absolute configuration
25 Stereochemistry: multiple chirality centers
26 Stereochemistry: Fischer projections and wrapup
27 Substitution reactions 1: intro to reaction, terminology
28 Substitution reactions 2: SN2 reaction and mechanism
29 Substitution reactions 3: SN1 reaction and mechanism
30 Substitution reactions4: competition between SN1 and SN2
31 Substitution reactions 5: competing reactions, epoxides
32 Synthesis using substitution reactions
33 Elimination reactions 1: E2 reaction and mechanism
34 Elimination reactions 2: regiochemistry of elimination rxns
35 Elimination reactions 3: E1 rxn/mech, comp. E1 and E2
36 Elimination reactions 4: synthesis with elimination rxns
37 Competition between substitution and elimination
38 Mass Spectrometry 1: intro
39 Mass Spectrometry 2: using mass spectrometry
40 Mass Spectrometry 3: using mass spectrometry
Final Exam Period

*Course content subject to change