Course Description
Course Name
Gender Views in Contemporary Spanish Literature and Cinema
Session: VSVF2225
Hours & Credits
45 Contact Hours
Prerequisites & Language Level
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This course explores gender representations (ranging from feminist perspectives, gender
performances, or the theory and practice of female writing, to questions of sexual identity, patterns of
masculinity and queer theory) within the Spanish literature and cinema produced during the last three
decades. Besides analyzing a selection of works by the most representative authors who form part of
the contemporary literary panorama in Spain, students will also examine the different critical paradigms
and theories within the field of gender and sexuality studies and how they are formulated within a range
of cultural texts and contexts.
Sessions will combine lectures with the in-class discussion of readings from the books and films
included in the syllabus. Students will be expected to participate actively in class sessions in order to
carry out presentations of their different assignments.
1. The theoretical paradigm of Gender Studies: Feminist criticism and female writing.
2. Re-writing history. The public and the private: Mercè Rodoreda, Carmen Martín Gaite, Marina
3. Desire and the writing of the body: Ana Rossetti, Cristina Peri Rossi.
4. The fantastic imaginary. From the Gothic to Magic Realism: Adelaida García Morales, Cristina
Fernández Cubas, Isabel Allende, Laura Esquivel.
5. Gender and Dissidence. Queer Theory and the articulation of Homosexuality: Esther Tusquets, Juan
Goytisolo, Terenci Moix, Eduardo Mendicutti.
- The Back Room / El cuarto de atrás (1978), Carmen Martín Gaite.
- The South / El Sur (1982), Adelaida García Morales.
- The Same Sea as Every Summer / El mismo mar de todos los veranos (1978), Esther Tusquets.
- Selected stories by Cristina Fernández Cubas and Isabel Allende.
- Selected poems by Ana Rossetti and Cristina Peri Rossi.
- La Regenta (1995). Dir. Fernando Méndez-Leite.
- Calle Mayor (1956). Dir. Juan Antonio Bardem.
- La Plaza del Diamante (1982). Dir. Francesc Betriú.
- Libertarias (1996). Dir. Vicente Aranda.
- Solas (1999). Dir. Benito Zambrano.
- El laberinto del fauno (2006). Dir. Guillermo del Toro.
- Mi querida señorita (1971). Dir. Jaime de Armiñán.
- La mala educación (2004). Dir. Pedro Almodóvar.
*Course content subject to change