Course Description

Course Name

Financial Accounting

Session: VCPS3125

Hours & Credits

18 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

Maths 4 (50%).

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


The objective of a business; various business decisions; introduction to IFRS and the Conceptual Framework; the flow of documentation in a business; recording business transactions (including Inventory, VAT and receivables); year-end accounting adjustments; reporting financial information (preparing financial statements; income statement and statement of financial position).

DP requirements: Attendance at and submission of a minimum of 75% of tutorials and a weighted average of 40% for class tests (excluding objective tests) AND an average of 40% for assignments.

Assessment: Coursework: 35%.
Exam: 65%.

*Course content subject to change