Course Description

Course Name

Arabic IIA

Session: VCPS3125

Hours & Credits

24 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

Initial Arabic B (SLL1059S) or a level of Arabic approved by the Head of Department.


  • Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of two semesters (or three quarters) at the college level.


The course offers an intermediate level study of Modern Standard Arabic with emphasis on oral comprehension and written skills.

DP requirements: At least 80% attendance at lectures, seminars and tutorials (including language laboratory where offered); completion and due submission of all written exercises and essays; attendance at all tests, written and oral examinations.

Assessment: Tests and written assignments count for 40% of the final mark; the two-hour written examination at the end of the first semester counts for 50%; the oral examination at the end of the semester counts for 10%.

*Course content subject to change