Course Description
Course Name
Religion, Sexuality and Gender
Session: VCPS3125
Hours & Credits
24 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
Completion of REL1002F or REL1006S; or completion of any cognate first-year course in the Humanities Faculty;
or by permission of the Head of Department.
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This course explores ideologies of gender and sexuality in the history of religious traditions, with particular attention to the role of women in religion. Connections between sexuality, embodiment and spirituality will be addressed through case studies in African, Abrahamic and Asian religions.
DP requirements: 80% attendance at lectures and tutorials in all sections of the course. Submission
of all work by due dates, and attainment of an average mark of at least 50% for ll assignments.
Assessment: Coursework counts 70%; one two-hour examination counts 30%.
*Course content subject to change