Course Description

Course Name

Introduction to the History of Cinema

Session: VCPF3125

Hours & Credits

24 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

FAM1000S and FAM1001F, or at the discretion of the Head of Department.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


This course offers a broad survey of the history of Western cinema and its social, cultural and political contexts from the silent era through to contemporary film. We shall examine the development of Hollywood production and the innovations of European filmmaking (e.g. German Expressionism, Italian Neo-realism, the French New Wave and the more recent provocations of Dogme 95). Students will engage with works by some of the major creative figures in the history of Western film and with a wide variety of theoretical perspectives that illuminate the films. (Please note that ?non-western? cinemas are the focus of third-year film studies.)

DP requirements: All written work must be submitted by the stipulated dates. Students who miss more than two tutorials will lose their DPs.

Assessment: Two essays 20% each; tutorial exercises 20%, a two-hour examination 40%.

*Course content subject to change