Course Description

Course Name

African Literature and Language Studies I

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

24 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

ELL1013F and one other ELL first-year course, or at the discretion of the Head of Department.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Second year, first semester course, two lectures and one double-period seminar per week.

This course explores a range of South African texts, as well as topics in applied language studies. In addition to the lecture series, students choose from a range of seminars within the course.

DP requirements: All written work to be handed in and at least 75% attendance at seminars.

Assessment: Seminar classwork counts for 50% of the final mark; a one-hour mid-term exam and a two-hour examination counts for the remaining 50%.

*Course content subject to change