Course Description

Course Name

Signals and Systems II

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

12 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Course outline:
This course aims to develop and advanced understanding of signals and systems. Topics include: time domain and fourier domain analysis of linear systems. Power spectral density. Propagation of signals through linear systems. Filter concepts. Noise in linear systems. Calculation of signal to noise ratio. Decibel calculations. Amplitude modulation and demodulation. Frequency division multiplexing. Heterodyning (shifting in frequency). Angle Modulation Applications: telecommunications transmitters and receivers; instrumentation. Some examples of non-linear systems will also be discussed; for example the generation of harmonics at the output of a non-linear time-invariant system.

36 lectures, 6 tutorials, 2 practicals

DP requirements: Submission of all assignments and drill problems, attendance at laboratory sessions.

Assessment: Tutorials and laboratories (10%), Class Test (20%), June Examination (70%).

Course Entry Requirements: EEE2035F, EEE2036S

*Course content subject to change