Course Description
Course Name
Hydraulic Engineering
Session: VCPF3124
Hours & Credits
16 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of flow in pipelines: laminar & turbulent flow - Reynolds; head losses in pipelines & fittings; the design of pipe systems. Pump selection. Open channel flow: the steady flow equations; Froude; uniform, gradually & rapidly varied flow; hydraulic structures, e.g. flumes, weirs, spillways and control gates.
48 lectures, 10 tutorials, 2 practicals
DP requirements: A minimum course mark of two thirds of the class average is required.
Assessment: June examination 3 hours. A sub-minimum of 40 % is required in the final exam paper.
Course Entry Requirements: CIV2040S: Fluid Mechanics (DP)
*Course content subject to change