Course Description
Course Name
Economics for Non-Specialists
Session: VCPF3124
Hours & Credits
18 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
Only students who are registered in the Faculty of Humanities may register for this course.
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
The course covers the following areas: the economic problem; economic systems; price theory and markets; labour markets; macroeconomics; money and monetary policy; international trade; the balance of payments and exchange rates; and fiscal policy. The course focuses on the application of economic principles in a South African context.
NOTE: This course is designed for students intending to do only one semester of Economics. It is therefore aimed at providing abroad perspective on thesubject, and concentrates more on an understand of theoretical concepts and their application than it does on rigorous proofs a
nd analysis. Only students who are registered in the Faculty of Humanities may register for this course.
DP requirements: All class tests and assignments/essays/projects to be completed. Attend at least 80% of tutorials. Satisfactory completion and timeous submission of at least 80% of tutorials. A weighted average mark of 40% for tests, tutorials, essays and assignments. Only students who have obtained
DP certificates may write the final examination.
Assesment: Classwork (tests, tutorials and assignments/essays/projects) 45% June examination 55% The course outline will detail the breakdown for submission weightings and variation for exemptions and absences.
*Course content subject to change