Course Description

Course Name

Film in Africa and South Africa

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

30 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

The course is open to third-year Film and Media Production students in good standing, and to students who have completed FAM1000S, FAM1001F, FAM2004F, FAM2013S or at the discretion of the Head of Department.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


The course examines contemporary issues in African cinemas, including cinema in South Africa during and after apartheid. The term ?cinemas? is used as there is not a single African cinema, but a diversity of national film cultur
es on the continent. The course will address the complex interrelationship of history, aesthetics, politics and ideology in African cinemas, as well as the cultural, social and economic forces which blend to form this vital part of world cinema.

DP requirements: All written work must be submitted timeously. Students who miss more than two tutorials will lose their DPs.

Assessment: Two essays 60%, a two-hour examination 40%.

*Course content subject to change