Course Description

Course Name

Internal Organization

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

24 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

POL1004F or POL1009F (was POL1007F) and POL1005S or POL1010S (was POL1008S).

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Second year, first semester course, four lectures per week and at least eight tutorials.

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the role international organisations play in contemporary global politics, within the broader context of global governance. By focusing on specific issue areas ? for exam
ple, peace and security, the environment, and human rights - the role these organisations play in addressing these problems on a global level will be explored. Primary attention will be devoted to contemporary global intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), particularly the United Nations system. Students will also be familiarised with the various theoretical approaches to the study of international organisations, in order to be able to evaluate which analytical approaches are most helpful in assessing the present activities and future potential
of these organisations.

DP requirements: Tutorial attendance is compulsory and students who attend fewer than 85% of the tutorials will not be allowed to write the final examination. In addition, completion of all written assignments, essays and tests are a requirement for a DP. Should students fail to hand in written assignments by due date, they will be penalised according to the grading formula of the Department. All required work for DP purposes MUST be submitted by the last day of the course

Assessment: Coursework counts 50%; final two-hour examination counts 50%.

*Course content subject to change