Course Description

Course Name

International Trade and Finance

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

18 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

Course entry requirements: ECO2003F Microeconomics II and ECO2004S Macroeconomics II.

Co-requisites: ECO3020F Advanced Macro & Microeconomics.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


The course is divided into (i) internationa l trade and (ii) international finance. (i) International trade covers the theories of international trade and trade policy; current issues in international trade; trade and development, and South Africa in world trade. (ii) The international finance section covers models of balance of payments adjustments under fixed exchange rates South African policy issues.

DP requirements: All class test and assignments/essays/projects to be completed. Attend at least 75% of tutorials. Satisfactory completion and timeous submission of at least 75% assignments. A weighted average mark of 40% for tests, tutorials, essays and assignments. Only students who have obtained DP certificates may write the finalexamination.

Assessment: Classwork (tests, tutorials and assignments/essays/projects) 50% June examination 50%
The course outline will detail the breakdown for submission weighting and variation for exemptions and absences.

*Course content subject to change