Course Description
Course Name
Numerical Methods in Geomatics
Session: VCPF3124
Hours & Credits
16 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
MAM2083F/S or equivalent, APG2014S, APG2016W.
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This course aims to consolidate knowledge acquired in the introductory course on adjustment, and provide skills and knowledge required to solve all standard adjustment problems. Topics include: advanced least squares modelling using the parametric adjustment case, condition equation adjustment, survey statistics, network design, elimination of nuisance parameters, combined and general case, quasi-parametric case, parametric adjustment with condition equations for the unknowns, generalised inverses, free net adjustment, S-transformation and programming of least squares applications.
DP requirements: Completion of practical assignments to the satisfaction of the course convener and a minimum average of 35% for all tests.
Assessment: Tests count 15%, practical assignments count 25%, examination 3 hours counts 60% (sub minimum 40%).
*Course content subject to change