Course Description
Course Name
Philosophy of Psychology and Mind
Session: VCPF3124
Hours & Credits
24 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
At least second year status.
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
The question of the nature of the mind and its relation to the body (e.g. the brain) is discussed at length, with attention given to dualism, behaviourism, physicalism and functionalism. Other topics which may be dealt with are the nature of action, free will and determinism and the problem of personal identity.
DP requirements: Regular attendance at lectures and tutorials; completion of all tests, submission of all essays and assignments by due dates, and an average mark of at least 35% for he coursework.
Assessment: Coursework counts 40%; one 3-hour examination in June counts 60%.
*Course content subject to change