Course Description
Course Name
State, Management and Administration
Session: VCPF3124
Hours & Credits
24 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
POL1004F or POL1009F (was POL1007F) or POL1006S or any 1000- level ECO, SOC, PHI, PSY, AXL (SAN section) or HST course.
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This course introduces basic concepts, methods and theories related to the analysis of the modern South African state, its policy-making processes, and its public administration. The course explores the roles and growth of the public sector, the organisation of South African government under the new constitution, how policy is made and implemented, the interface between public and private sectors, and the human development and policy challenges facing the national government.
DP requirements: Tutorial attendance is compulsory and students who attend fewer than 85% of the tutorials will not be allowed to write the final examination. In addition, completion of all written assignments, essays and tests are a requirement for a DP. Should students fail to hand in written assignments by due date, they will be penalised according to the grading formula of the Department. All required work for DP purposes MUST be submitted by the last day of the course.
Assessment: Coursework counts 50%; final two-hour examination counts 50%.
*Course content subject to change