Course Description

Course Name

Clinical Psychology I

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

24 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

NOTE: This course is a prerequisite for PSY3011S Clinical Psychology 2. Students will therefore only be admitted to PSY3011S if they have passed PSY2008F or PSY2011F. Students must have passed PSY1004F and PSY1005S.

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


This course introduces students to the aetiology, assessment, diagnosis, research and treatment of major forms of psychological disorder. It situates clinical psychological theory and practice in context, drawing on knowledges based in biological, social, political and cultural approaches to understanding mental illness. Ethical and legal issues in the professional practice of psychology will also be introduced.

DP requirements: Completion of all coursework, as well as completion of 90 minutes in the Student Research Participation Programme (SRPP) or equivalent.

Assessment: Coursework (an essay, tutorial assignments and tests) counts 50%; one two-hour examination in June counts 50% towards the final mark.

NOTE: Students who have passed PSY2008F will not be permitted to register for PSY2011F.

NOTE: This course is a prerequisite for PSY3011S Clinical Psychology 2. Students will therefore only be admitted to PSY3011S if they have passed PSY2008F or PSY2011F. Students must have passed PSY1004F and PSY1005S.


*Course content subject to change