Course Description
Course Name
Human Biology: Maintenance and Integration
Session: VCPF3124
Hours & Credits
24 Host University Units
Prerequisites & Language Level
HUB2019F, CEM1000W (or equivalent)
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This course aims to provide a thorough grounding of the anatomy, physiology and structure-function relationships of the bodily systems. The course includes lectures, tutorials and
practicals on the physiology, anatomy and histology of organ systems in the human body, including the nervous system, excretory & thermoregulation, respiratory, cardiovascular,
lymphatic and immune, and reproductive systems. In addition, students are introduced to bone forensics, which builds on their understanding of bone anatomy done in HUB2019F,
and to concepts of ageing and disease. In the practical sessions, students work in small groups using computers and other equipment to study a) the physiology and anatomy of the
nervous system, b) the electrical events in the contraction of cardiac muscle, c) the mechanics of the respiratory system, d) the immune system, e) excretion and temperature
regulation, f) reproduction and g) the study of anatomical parts of the human body from cadavers and histological sections under a microscope.
Fridays may be used for tutorials, guest lectures and tests. Students are encouraged to attend all lectures and must sign a register of attendance.
Practicals: One per week, Mondays or Tuesdays, 14h00-17h00.
DP requirements: Attendance at all practicals, 40% average in class tests and an average of 50% for all assignments
Assessment: Class tests 30%; practicals, assignments & tutorials 20%;
Final examinations contribute 50% of the final year mark and comprises the following:
Written theory exam 30%, practical 20%. An oral examination may be required in the case of selected students.
*Course content subject to change