Course Description

Course Name

Field Geology and Geological Mapping

Session: VCPF3124

Hours & Credits

24 Host University Units

Prerequisites & Language Level

Course entry requirements: GEO1006S, GEO2004S (co-requisite)

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Course outline:
This is a field-based course that introduces techniques used to identify, describe and document rocks in the field and for interpreting their inter-relationships, with the view to producing geological maps, stratigraphic logs and structural sections. Techniques covered include: mineralogical and textural descriptions of rocks using a hand-lens; measurement of attitude of bedding using compass and clinometer; measurement, description and interpretation of depositional and deformational structures; stereo plots, interpretation and use of aerial photographs; identifying contact relationships; GPS positioning. Course material is taught over four separate field camps spread over two years of study.

*Course content subject to change