Course Description
Course Name
Advanced Spanish: Grammar and Composition
Session: VCSU1125
Hours & Credits
45 Contact Hours
Prerequisites & Language Level
- Prior to enrolling in courses at this language level, students must have completed or tested out of a minimum of four semesters (or six quarters) at the college level.
Español Avanzado: Gramática y Composición
Course Description:
This course consists of two components: the practice of the more complex aspects of Spanish grammar and the development of effective writing skills. We acquire writing skills by writing. You should be prepared to do a lot of writing both in the classroom and outside of it.
Course Goals
The principal goals of the class are
1) to provide many opportunities to write in Spanish
2) to read examples of good writing in order to respond to the ideas they present
3) to learn the writing strategies apparent in them
4) to offer students many strategies to aid the process of writing
5) to utilize various editing resources
6) to reflect on and use specific grammar points in contextualized exercises
Required Reading
Repase y escriba (5th Edition), by María Canteli Dominicis and John J. Reynolds.
Class Participation: 10%
Weekly Composition: 50%
Quizzes: 20%
Final Exam: 20%
Class participation: 10%
It is important that you come on time to class. If you are not present, you are not able to participate and will not earn your participation points. Exercises and writing completed in class will count towards class participation. Any homework assigned will also count towards participation.
Weekly compositions (5): 50%
Each week, you will write a composition of 4-5 pages. The topics can be chosen from the Temas pasa composición al final de cada capítulo. The compositions are due the last day of classes that week.
Quizzes (4): 20%
Each week, quizzes will be given on the second day of class each week. They will cover material from the section on Gramática.
Final Exam: 20%
The final exam will be on Friday, June 25th.
Semana 1: viernes 21 de mayo
Introducción al curso, Cap. 1
Viernes: Intro. al curso, Entrevista con un compañero, The Preterit and Impertfect (p. 5-15)
Semana 2: lunes 24-jueves 27
Capítulos 1-3
Lunes: Gramática: p. 5-15, 32-44, 62-73
Martes: Lectura: p. 1-5, 27-32, 55-61
Miércoles: Léxica: p. 16-21, 44-50, 74-76
Jueves: Para escribir mejor: p. 21-24, 50-52, 77-79
Semana 3: lunes 31-miércoles 2 (jueves 3 ? día feriado), viernes, 4 (de junio) Capítulos 4-6
Lunes: Gramática: p. 87-102, 120-131, 148-158
Martes: Lectura: p. 81-86, 115-120, 143-147
Miércoles: Léxica: p. 102-108, 131-136, 158-163
Viernes: Para escribir mejor: 108-113, 163-165
Semana 4: lunes 7-jueves 10 Capítulos 7-9
Lunes: Gramática: p. 171-190, 203-213, 227-241
Martes: Lectura: p. 167-171, 199-203, 221-227
Miércoles: Léxica: p. 190-193, 214-216, 241-245
Jueves: Para escribir mejor: p. 194-197, 217-219, 245-248
Semana 5: lunes 14-jueves 17 Capítulos 10-12 Lunes: Gramática: p. 256-265, 280-286, 314-325
Martes: Lectura: p. 251-256, 275-280, 309-313
Miércoles: Léxica: p. 266-270, 287-293, 325-329
Jueves: Para escribir mejor: p. 270-273, 294-306, 330-333
Semana 6: lunes 21-martes 22 Capítulos 13-14 Lunes: Gramática: p. 342-354, 370-381
Martes: Para escribir mejor: p. 359-362, 386-387
Final Exam: Friday June 25th
*Course content subject to change