Course Description
Course Name
Sustainable Development in Peru
Session: VCSS1125
Hours & Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisites & Language Level
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
University Course Description
Sustainable development is founded on the premise that human well-being should advance without irreparable harm to ecosystems and the vital services they provide, without depleting essential resources, and without posing risks to future generations. This course provides knowledge of the theory and practice of this concept. Topics aim to stimulate a critical examination of historical and conceptual antecedents; provide experience in the complex challenges of sustainable development through direct engagement; and help students understand the present and imagine alternative futures for our rapidly changing world. This course is specifically created to address the very real and complex issues of development as they relate to the interactions of the environmental, economic and social systems using Peru as a case study.
Course Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Purpose
The purpose of this course, beyond providing a basic introduction to sustainable development concepts, is to recognize the challenges of sustainable development in Perú and the world; the opportunities and limits of the rural and urban sectors in meeting these challenges; and prepare students for the application of these concepts in multiple case study analysis.
Course Methodology
The methodology to be used includes a combination of tools in order to facilitate the enhancements of knowledge, promote debate in class and increase students’ ability to formulate proposals, such as: presentation-debate classes and case studies.
The structure of each unit includes a daily compulsory reading, followed by oral presentations by the students which will lead to class debates, group works, and other practical activities. Fieldtrips are essential to the course, which are programmed in a every other week basis. All these activities will be complemented by lectures.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course the student will:
Learn concepts related to the Environment and Biodiversity, its components and importance.
Understand the principle of sustainable development focusing on the spatial and temporal scales affecting each strategy.
Utilize a system thinking approach to describe and analyze the interactions among ecological, legislative and socio-economic processes that contribute to environmental problems and solutions for specific case studies.
Analyze and interpret data, indicators and dimensions that measure and track environmental, social and economic trends.
Understand the role of different stakeholders in the proposal/execution of environmental policies and resources management at national and global scales.
Understand the importance of a holistic approach to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
Required Texts and/or Readings and Course Materials
Not required
Supplementary (Optional) Texts and Materials
Altieri, M. 1995. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture
Brack, A. 2000. Ecología del Perú, Editorial Bruño, Lima.
Centre of Environment Education. 2007. Internship Series. Volume I. Sustainable Development: an Introduction.
Elliot, J.A. 2006. An Introduction to Sustainable Development. Third Edition.
Harlan, J. 1992. Crops and Man, American Society of Agronomy-Crop Science Society of America.
IUCN 2009. Wildlife in a changing world: an analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN; Barcelona Lynx Edicions™
Kricher, J. 1999. A Neotropical Companion, (Segunda Edición), Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
Pulgar Vidal, J. 2014. Geografía del Perú. Las ocho regiones naturales del Perú. Editorial PUPC.
Rogers, P., Jalal, K.F. and Boyd, J.A. 2006. An Introduction to Sustainable Development.
Schulemberg, T., Stotz, D., Lane, D., O’neill, J. and Parker, T. 2007. Birds of Peru, Princeton Field Guides, USA.
Soubbotina, T.P. 2004. Beyond Economic Growth. An Introduction to Sustainable Development. Second Edition.
Stuart, F.Ch. 2009. Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship. Resilience-based Natural Resource Management in a Changing World.
Grading Scale
Grading Scale (%)
90 – 93
87 – 89
84 – 86
80 – 83
77 – 79
74 – 76
70 – 73
67 – 69
64 – 66
60 – 63
0 – 59
Grade Categories and Weights
Evaluation will be ongoing and will take in consideration the issues established in the competencies and in their use by each student. The dates for the Midterm and Final Exam will be indicated by ISA. Readings, tasks, class work and written reports are evaluated.
Percent of Final Grade
Ongoing evaluation (quizzes, written work, readings, research, projects and presentations)
Participation in Class (homework, reports, oral participation, discussion, and attitude in class)
Final Exam
Essay and Project Assignments
The Final Paper is a Capstone Project.
Paper Proposals are due two weeks into the program followed by a Final Paper Preliminary Presentations held right before the Midterm.
There should be a 30 min presentation per group + 15 min for questions.
The evaluation of the Capstone Project takes into consideration:
Golden Circle
Business Model Canvas
Sustainability Complex
Sustainable Development Goals
Presentation Skills
Slides and other material (video clips max. 5 min long)
Questions/answers from classmates. It is highly suggested to have a PowerPoint presentation plus some activity/questions etc. to make it as interactive as possible.
Students should keep in mind that they are presenting what they are writing about in their Final Paper.
Attendance at all presentations is mandatory.
Due the final day of the program.
Format as follows:
10 pages minimum
Does NOT include Cover page, Abstract or Sources
Abstract and five keywords
Double space
Font: Arial 11
Includes pictures, graphs, etc. (no more than 02 (two) pages altogether)
5 sources in total (not including the ones provided by the Professor)
Chicago referencing
Grade Dissemination
Graded tests and materials in this course will be returned individually and reviewed on the lecture following the exam. You can access your scores at any time using "Grades" in Schoology.
Course Schedule
Week 1
1.1. Introduction to the Course
Introduction to the course. Review Syllabus. Unit-by-Unit Description. Semester Planning and Deadlines.
1.2. Perú as a Case Study for Sustainability
Geographical Description. Perú as a Megadiverse Country. Main economic activities.
Week 2
2.1. Biodiversity and Ecosystems
How do define Biodiversity. Levels of Biodiversity. Importance of Biodiversity.
2.2. Ecoregions and Biodiversity in Perú
Diversity of flora and fauna.
Field Trip: Cochahuasi Animal Sanctuary and Botanical Garden – Pisac.
Week 3
3.1. The Price of Development
Concept of Development. Goals and Means. Basic Assumptions
Reading Discussion: Carson, R. 2002. Silent Spring. 40th. Anniversary Edition. Mariner Books. Boston.
3.2. Population Growth
World Population Growth and its impact on human civilization. The Malthusian and Boserup’s Theories. The Demographic Transition Model.
Week 4
4.1. Concepts and Paradigms
Basic concepts underlying sustainability. Landmark events that have contributed to today’s notion of sustainability. Frameworks for understanding change. Human basic needs and sustainability. Rights of future generations.
Reading Discussion: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Our Common Future, Chairman's Foreword.
Reading Discussion: Hopwood, B., Mellor, M. and O’Brien, G. 2005. Sustainable Development: Mapping Different Approaches. Sustainable Development. Vol. 13. No. 1, pp. 38-52.
Week 5 and 6
4.2. Challenges of Sustainable Development
Key Environmental Issues. Complex Social-Ecological Systems. Factors Governing Sustainable Development.
Reading Discussion: Perz, S., Aramburu, C. and Bremner, J. 2003. Population, land use and deforestation in the pan amazon basin: a comparison of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela.
Field Trip: Challenges for Sustainability – Piñipampa Rooftile Factories
Week 7
Week 8
4.3. Indicators and Measuring the Immeasurable in Complex Social-Ecological Systems
Models of Sustainability. Three Pillar Basic Model. The Government-Institutional Pilar of Sustainability. Indicators and Principles of Sustainable Development. Inequality Measures.
Reading Discussion: Parris, T.M. and Kates, R.W. 2003. Characterizing and Measuring Sustainable Development. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Vol. 28, pp. 559-586.
Week 9
5.1. The Science of Assessment and Environmental Policy: Evaluation, Risk and Interpreting Change
National Environmental Policy and Regulations. Environmental impact Assessment Process. Environmental Management & Social-Ecological Governance.
Debate: Mining and Oil VS Environment
Week 10
5.2. International Approaches to Environmental Management: Laws, Legislation and Agreements
International commitments towards Sustainable Development. The Sustainable Development timeline. Globalization. Cooperation between regions. Role of Financial Institutions in Sustainable Development.
Reading Discussion: Swinton, S.M. 2003. Poverty and Environment in Latin America: Concepts, Evidence and Policy Implications.
Week 11
6.1. Social Cultural Dimensions of Sustainability and Education
Poverty. Gender and Development. Indigenous people. Society and Adaptive Learning. Education for Sustainable Development.
Reading Discussion: Curren, R. 2009. Education for sustainable development: a philosophical assessment: 1-68.
Week 12
6.2. Environmental and Ecological Economics: Models, Externalities and Ecosystem Services
The Whole System Approach. Sustainable activities and indigenous knowledge. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Agriculture, Water & Food Security. Waste Management. Alternative sources of income.
Reading Discussion: Briggs, J. and Sharp, J. 2004. Indigenous knowledges and development: a postcolonial caution. Third World Quarterly, 25 (4). pp. 661-676. ISSN 1360-2241.
Field Trip: Andean Community of Chocco.
Week 13
Final Paper Presentations – Final Exam
* Note: The Schedule is subject to revision
Course Policies: Student Expectations
Attendance and Punctuality:
Attendance and punctuality are basic requirements for an effective discussion and team-based course. Beyond that, each person's frequency and quality of contribution to the class discussion will be assessed and reflected in the class participation score.
Five absences (excused or unexcused) lower the final course grade by five points (approximately a half letter grade). The final course grade will be lowered five more points for each class missed over the first three. If the student accumulates more than five unexcused absences, he/she will be placed on academic probation and the home university will be notified. In the event of an emergency or illness, students should petition for an excused absence from the professor with the appropriate documentation within a week of the absence.
Missing a reading/video session counts as 1.5 absences. Missing a field trip counts as two absences.
The third time a student is more than 10 minutes late to a class; it will be considered an unexcused absence.
Late Work Policy:
There are no makeups for presentations, leading reading sessions, and exams unless the student demonstrates in advance (and the Professor agrees) that a significant life-event prevents him/her from attending class or if a documented emergency is provided. The following are not acceptable excuses: scheduled flights or trips, scheduled non-emergency doctor appointments, picking up relatives or friends at the airport, etc. If a student schedules something else during a class when is to give a presentation, lead a discussion session, or take an exam, the student will get a zero for that grade.
In the event of an excused absence, students will be expected to confer with the professor regarding the possibility of making up any missed coursework, homework and/or exams. In the event of an unexcused absence students are responsible for any missed coursework and notes, but late homework will not be accepted.
Professionalism Policy:
Bear in mind you are in a professional school, and a member of a learning community. Thus, you are expected to comport yourself as a professional person. For instance, be on time for class, do not leave the class while it is in progress for other than emergencies -if you need to do so make sure you ask the professor for permission-, turn off cell phones, be respectful of others’ viewpoints even if you disagree with them, do not use improper language, do not put your feet up on your desk, raise your hand if you want to participate, and dress appropriately for a professional activity. Eating is not allowed during class.
Food and Drink Policy:
No food is allowed in the classroom. Your understanding of the necessity for this policy and cooperation will be greatly appreciated. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Course Policies: Technology and Media
Email: Students will receive a weekly message reminding them about content and activities for that week.
Laptop Usage: Personal computers, tablets and smartphones are allowed as long as they are being used for class purposes (PDF files, Class PowerPoint slides, etc.). No phone calls/messaging are allowed during class.
*Course content subject to change