Course Description

Course Name

Creativity and Design Thinking

Session: VPGU1325

Hours & Credits

6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


The value that design thinking has brought to organizations is innovation that has disrupted
their markets, enhanced brands in terms of recognition, sales and performance, and
business adaptation. This value has been achieved by innovating in the areas of product
development, service development, business models, and business strategy. Design thinking
can be applied to community settings (e.g., economic revitalization, social services) and
education (e.g.,, student learning, learning experiences).

Companies are increasingly looking for employees with training in Design Thinking and
Innovation. For example, companies like Procter and Gamble and GE have incorporated
Design Thinking into their strategy and marketing. This course will offer an immersive
experience in Design Thinking as a tool for innovative idea and strategy development.
Throughout the course, students will work on three different challenges; one focused on
product design, one focused on service design and one focused on systems or business
design. By starting with a very tangible challenge around product design, students will be
able to hone their skills in the process before moving into more complex challenges around
business and systems-level design.

The course will be teamwork-oriented, but students will also complete readings and
independent activities that support the group work and ensure individual depth of

*Course content subject to change