Course Description

Course Name

Sustainability and Innovation Management

Session: VPGS1325

Hours & Credits

6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites & Language Level

Taught In English

  • There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.


Course Description
This course provides a holistic approach to environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability and innovation management. It focuses on consumerneeds related to sustainability and the innovative processes necessary to create sustainable solutions. While exploring sustainability as a business opportunity for developing innovative products and services, students will employ 21. EWA Edu. learningmethodology that allows them to enhance skills and competencies needed for the 21st century labor market.

Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
–Apply Empowering Wholeness Agile (EWA Edu. –Švejdarová, Holman 2020) team project learning in the field of sustainability and innovation;
–Understand sustainability and innovation as holistic disciplines;
–Understand and critically analyze current VUCA realities, challenges, and opportunities;\
–Design a sustainable innovation driven start-up company (As an outcome of EWA Edu. Course).

*Course content subject to change