Course Description
Course Name
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Session: VPGS1324
Hours & Credits
6 ECTS Credits
Prerequisites & Language Level
ECO110; ECO120; ACC233; FIN304 highly recommended
Taught In English
- There is no language prerequisite for courses at this language level.
This is an introductory course in Investment. The basics will be covered. An understanding of Corporate Finance is built upon from the outside of a company, looking at what an investor might wish to see. Portfolio theory, analytical techniques, methods of stock selection, and the nature of investments are all used to develop notions of the most recent investment techniques.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
– Explain the use of investment as an activity in the current financial system;
– Use any one of the decision-making models (Technical, Fundamental, Quantitative) demonstrated in the course;
– Understand and be able to explain use of portfolio theory;
– Utilize attribution analysis;
– Discuss the numerous factors which affect the investment environment; – Perform most of the functions required both manually, and with a spreadsheet.
*Course content subject to change